Chapter 7

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Still at Megan's house 8:12 pm

Mani are you hungry Mamas Meg asked Normani was going to say no because she doesn't always eat food and they can't really be seen in public because they are both super models and don't need the internet questioning their friendship so are you going to answer my question Megan asked Oh yeah umm sure I guess I'm down to eat Normani said.

great how does steak, string beans, and mash potatoes sound Megan asked sounds amazing but Meg you don't have to cook for me Normani said girl bye Ima cook for you cause you in my house and you gonna eat while you here Megan stated do, I really have to eat Mani asked umm... yes you have to eat girl I don't know about what you did at home but here you will be eating Megan responded but why do I have Megan interrupted her sentence you're eating no more questions Megan said Mani shook her head understanding that she will be eating and can't say anything else.

Dinner is almost done Mani, Megan said in the kitchen Ok Mani said back sitting in the living room Megan was in the kitchen finishing up mixing up the string beans she already had two plates out for her and Normani ready but she's still waiting on the beans to finish up which there almost ready she grabbed two cups out of the cabinet and went into her pantry and grabbed the red wine she went to the cups and poured the wine in the glasses she walked over to the stove and turned off the string beans she set the food on the plates and set them on the dining room table.

Dinners ready if you're hungry Megan said Normani got up from the couch and went to the dining room to eat dinner with Megan, Mani started to just poke at her food then she started to eat mmm this is great where did you learn how to cook Normani said it runs in my family so are you close with your family Megan asked yes and no My sisters love me a lot my brother was always there for me when I needed him my mom was my rock she was always strong but then she got really sick and passed and my "dad" we were close but now I could careless Normani says.

Wow I'm so sorry that your mom passed but what about you and your stepmom do you like her Meg asked I like her on occasion but she could never replace my mama like Tupac said "Ain't no woman alive that could take my mama's place" Normani stated yeah that's true and if your mama could see you today I bet you she would be proud of you and what you have accomplished Megan said with a smile both of them finished eating and Megan took their dishes and put them in the sink Normani was surprised that she actually ate all her food because she never would eat but on occasion she would eat like she's never ate a day in her life and get sick afterwards.

At the age of 10 she got the stomach flu and barely ate but when she did, it didn't stay down long, and she got better with in 3 days. Hey Megan, I just want to thank you again for letting me stay here and we don't know much about each other just know I'm grateful and I promise I'll repay you somehow Normani said Mani baby you don't have to repay me for anything I did this because I'm a nice person and I know you just wanted to get away from your dad Megan said Normani got up and gave Megan a hug Megan hugged her back and kissed her forehead.

Mani you wanna go take a walk on the beach Megan asked Meg you know we can't be seen in public together because were both super models we both know what the internet will say about us Normani said.

Girl, I don't care I want the world to see that I'm with the hottest super model the one and only Normani Kordei and if the world doesn't like us for us then they never really loved us they can hate on us for as long as they want but we always have each other Megan stated your right I shouldn't care what other people think cause it's us against the world and nobody's opinion matters but our own Mani said .

Normani can I ask you something Megan asked Yeah what do you wanna ask Normani says Will you be my girlfriend Megan said kind of shyly Normani's mouth dropped open but closed it quickly and answered yes Megan picked her up and hugged her then set her on the ground gently alright let's go to the beach they said in sync.


At the beach 10:18 pm

Megan and Normani just arrived at the beach luckily paparazzi wasn't around near the beach area Megan loved to see Mani happy instead of sad and crying she doesn't like seeing her cry because it breaks her heart to see her in that situation Megan knows that Normani is trying her best in life for herself but her dad isn't making it better for her Megan can I get on your back please Normani said showing Megan her big beautiful brown eyes while poking her lip out.

Fine get on my back I can't say no to you, your just to freaking adorable not to say no too Megan said Megan squat down in front of Mani so she could get on her back Mani wrapped her legs around Megan's waist and put her arms over Megan's chest let's go Mani said and she smiled deep down Normani is still a little kid she maybe 17 years old but she still acts like a little kid Man Manz you ready to go home now Megan asked yeah I'm ready to go to sleep and so we can cuddle while sleeping Mani said.

They made it home showered and went too sleep Mani loves cuddling with Megan because she smells like Marshmallows and chocolate and Normani smells like warm vanilla and cookie dough good night mamas Megan said good night baby Normani said.

A/N: Y'all are welcome Megan and Normani are finally girlfriend and girlfriend I was going to wait longer and just make them flirt more but Naw anyway tell me how y'all like the book so far thanks Goodnight🌙/ Goodmorning☀️ Love y'all 🥰🫶🏽💖.

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