Chapter 15 pt.2

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"And then Mani fell off the bed" Ryan said laughing

"Hey y'all what's so funny" Normani said walking through the door

"Oh Ryan was just telling us a story about when y'all were little how the first time you spent the night at Ryan's house you fell off her bed" Megan said looking at Mani

"Ry Ry that was a secret and for your information her bed was too high for her and we were eight years old so there is no reason a bed like hers should've been up that high at eight" Mani stated

"True but you know my parents always wanted me to have a high bed" Ryan said

"Yeah I do anyways is the food ready yet" Mani asked

"Yep it's ready just need to add a little more barbecue sauce to the chicken and the salad needs to be made and the dinner rolls need to go in the oven and that's it" Megan said

Mani grabbed everything that she got for the salad she washed the it up put it in a bowl and set it on the table and put the tops on the table as well Megan grabbed the dinner rolls and put them in the oven to warm them up everyone went to wash their hands except Mani she had to go wake up Kiki and then wash her hands while Mani did that the timer on Megan's phone went off and Megan grabbed the dinner rolls out the oven and set them on the table with the rest of the food

"Kiki bear wake up it's time for lunch" Mani said lightly shaking her sister

"No Mani 5 more minutes please" Kiki asked

"Kiki you've been sleeping since the end of the movie and  Ry Ry's here too " Mani stated

Kiki woke up out her sleep so fast because she loves Ryan that's like another one of her siblings that's been there since she was born and every since then they've been best friends

While everyone was eating the doorbell rang Normani got up washed her hands and ran to the door and snatched the car seat smiled at her brother hugged him and closed the door she was so happy to see her nephew Zadorian who is now Four months old but no one knows about him except Ryan Normani walked back into the dining room area with the car seat and put it beside her but left the diaper bag by the front door Megan and Sammy looked at each other confused but Ryan knew who was in there

"Umm baby why do you have a car seat for" Megan asked confused

"Oh well there is an adorable surprise in here" Mani said

"Did she get you a puppy or something" Sammy whispered

Megan shrugged her shoulders and looked at her girlfriend

"First wash your hands because y'all just got done eating food" Ryan asked

So Megan, Sammy and Kiki washed their hands and sat back down in their chairs but moved them away from the table

"Now close your eyes and put your hands out" Mani said

Mani took her nephew out of the car seat and walked to Megan first she placed him in her hands and fixed her arms to properly hold Zadorian in her arms

"What is this it's so light can I smell it" Megan asked

"I mean if you want to smell it sure" Mani said

"Omg is it what I think it is" Megan said a little excited

Mani took Zadorian and put him in Sammy's arms Sammy rubbed her hand on his stomach and moved her hand quickly she then put her hand on Zadorian and she realized it was a baby because how small the fingers were Mani grabbed Dorian and put him in Kiki's arms she held him close to her face and kissed his cheek once Kiki was finished holding him Ryan took him from Kiki's hands and held onto him

"On the count of three open your eyes" Ryan said

"1,2,3" Mani said

They opened their eyes and saw Dorian Megan's eyes lit up at the sight of him she was in awe of the cute baby

"Oh my gosh he's so cute what's his name" Megan

"Zadorian Joshir Hamilton" Mani said

"What a cutie he is" Megan said

"Don't get any ideas" Sammie said

Everyone started laughing

"Sammie I'm 17 in a half I don't want kids until I'm in my 20's 23 at max so don't worry you're not going to get a niece or nephew out of me right now" Mani said to her sister

"Oh ok whew good" Sammie said

"Don't you start school tomorrow Sammie at your new school" Mani asked

"Yes I do I was supposed to start sooner but I ran away also Alessia and Nakiyah will be there" Sammie stated

"Oh so they switched schools" Mani asked

"Yeah they did I mean Kiyah was supposed to already be in a new school but she's was in that school freely so yeah" Sammie said

"Mani give me the baby please I wanna hold him" Megan pleaded

"Ok here you go" Mani said handing over her nephew to her girlfriend

As they were talking there was a knock at the door everyone was so confused on who could be at the door when the only people that know Megan lives there is Mani,Ry Ry, Sammie, Kiki and Lijah so everyone got up and went to the front door to see who it was the person who was at the door was Normani's dad so she and her siblings and Ryan ran away upstairs and hid up there because they don't want to be found by her dad Megan understood what was going on so she opened the door and greeted him

"Hello sir how my I help you" Megan asked

"Hi I'm looking for my daughter her name is Normani she's 17 years old and she's been gone for a long time so I was just walking through the neighborhood to see if you know her" Derrick asked

"Nope never heard of her before but if I see her I'll let her know that you were looking for her" Megan stated

"Ok thank you and who's baby is that" Derrick questioned

"Oh it's mine this is my son" Megan said knowing it was a lie

"Aren't you a little too young to have a child" Derrick asked

"Aren't you a little too old to be in my business" Megan snapped back

"My bad ma'am have a good day" Derrick said

Megan shut the door and yelled out to them that they can come downstairs and that he was gone

"Your dad is so nosy" Megan stated

"Who you telling that man gets on my nerves" Mani replied

Everyone laughed and decided to go outside for a walk they didn't care if Normani's dad seen them outside just not at Megan's house

"Y'all the walk is so good but mane I wish I was Kiki's age or the baby must be nice to be in the stroller" Sammie said

"It's a double stroller I've had it for a while it was meant for my best friend but she lost her baby girl and only has her 3 year old son and it's hard on her after losing her daughter" Megan said

"Oh damn I'm sorry to hear that how is she holding up" Mani asked

"She's better now focusing on herself and wanting to try again for a second baby" Megan replied

"Well that's great news" Mani said

They all went back to the house for a nap Megan and Normani stayed up playing the game of life while watching Zadorian

Zadorian Amir Hamilton 4 months old

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