Episode 34: The Master Of Ice

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[Zanes POV]

"So, how exactly did you find this place."

Everyone's heads turn around the room, a new and unfamiliar setting. The cleanliness is a confusingly welcoming turn from Jay's typical stained attire.

Cole's words were everyone's exact thoughts. The boy from the junkyard having such a high-class home, it definitely wasn't his. But after the week we've been having, questions on the matter were kept to a minimum.

"Just uh, found it while on a stroll. Real rundown, too. Good thing I'm an excellent cleaner."

He gives a nervous laugh, and everyone knows to be done after a lie, but no one questions it. With all that's happened, Jay stumbling upon a vacant home was the least of our concern.

Maybe he was telling the truth. Maybe he really did stumble on this home. We are in an unfamiliar part of Central ninjago. Some places still remain unknown even to us, njnja.

Nya, Lloyd, and I made our way to the lounge room, placing the lantern upon an empty coffee table.

"Jay, hit the lights."

A simple instruction is thrown his way, but as the joker of the group, he chucks a punch at the light switch, setting off a reaction of all electricals in the house.

The tv began flickering on and off, lights bouncing around every corner of the room, kitchen appliances that were left plugged in, filling the empty room with a whirring noise. It was a muddled up catastrophe with a short and sweet end, switching off the power switch to the house.

It was concluded that Jay really did just stumble upon the home.

Once consumed in darkness, the lantern is placed on top of a dying candle, sending just enough light to project the map hidden within. A beautiful, tea stained map that had seen thousands of new faces traveling to the places it displayed, and now we had become one of the group, looking for a place not many other dare to go.

"Tiger window island, how come we've never come across it before. I mean, we found the island of dark, and that wasn't on any map, and I guess Chen's island wasn't anywhere we've seen before."

"Because unlike those islands, we've met people who have actually been to this one. Soto wouldn't have a reason to lie to us since we broke him out of jail."

"Are you really trying to convince me that Soto is a good guy now?"

Jay's face was full of confusion, and understandably so, Soto was a menace to our semi peaceful society, but he had sincerity to his reasoning, and heros wouldn't break someone out of jail without that sincerity.

And so, with a bit of doubt, we all decided what to do, with the exception of Jay, and began pursuit of what we needed to stop Nadakhan.

Now, all we needed was a boat.

Somehow, Jay had read my mind like he was thinking the same thing and piped up at the thought of sailing the seas.

"I have a boat."

The room fell silent as we all looked at him. Jay? Had a boat? My funny switch wasn't on, and even I had a laugh at that.

Maybe there was just a side to him that we didn't know about. Sure, Jay's a talkative man, but he's not as open of his personal life as most of us are.

Before we could press for further info, Jay had led us to a boat dock, run down and barely suitable for more than 6 people to walk on, but it was a dock nonetheless.

We begin asking around, and everyone caution to take us with the excuse of dangerous wind and rough conditions travelling towards the island. Others begged that the island wasn't real, that the map was a hoax of some sort.

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