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Rachel was frantic with wedding plans and Finn was eating cake. Bud was out with Kurt and Santana, shopping for new shoes for the wedding.
"Hey sweetie?" Rachel asked her fiancé. He put down the piece of cake he had stuck on his fork and was about to eat. "Yeah?"
"What kind of flowers do you want?"
"Uhhhhhhh I really don't have an opinion on this."
"Ok, let's narrow it down. Blue or white?"
"White. Because white is pure, like you. Blue is just sad."
"Alright then." She said, and Finn was about to put the bite in his mouth when she called out again, "How about the cake?"
If only I could eat my cake right now Finn thought. "I don't know, I like chocolate, but you like vanilla. How about half and half?"
"Interesting. Chocolate for the groom and vanilla for the bride. I like it." She said.
He quickly put the cake in his mouth before he could get interrupted again. As soon as he did it, however, Rachel asked about the invitations. "Arffrit mekkxs hsesms." He said with his mouth full, covering his mouth. "What?" Rachel asked, confused.
"Have Artie make them. He's good with technology and stuff." He said once he swallowed.
"Good idea. We are going to have the best wedding ever!"
Finn thought so too, but he was just glad that he got to eat his cake.

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