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Rachel's life was over. Not actually, but that's what it felt like. She felt so lost and lonely. She refused to talk to anyone. Santana and Kurt tried to help cheer her up, but nothing worked. Finally, after about two weeks of not talking, she whispered, "What am I going to do?" Kurt was in the room making tea, and he heard her, though she didn't mean for anyone to hear.

"I don't know Rach, but if anyone can get through this, it's you. You're the strongest person I know."

"Not just this, Kurt. The-The baby."

Kurt was silent. Of course he'd thought about this, but he still didn't know what to say.

"I've thought about it so much. I'm going to be a single mother."

"No. We will not let that happen. Santana and I will help you. Always whatever you need. We will be there for you."

Santana came in. "I heard my name. Is she talking?" She asked Kurt, as if Rachel wasn't in the room.

"Ask her yourself. She's worried that she'll have to raise the baby all by herself."

"No, Berry, of course not. I promise to help you."

"Thanks, guys. How did I get so lucky to have you two as friends?"

"Good question." Kurt said, and the three of them hugged.

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