🤍~No More What Ifs~🤍

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Daemos x Reader x Ava

Relationship: ???

Setting: Your Apartment

Third Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


(Here's a songfic because this song has lived in my head rent-free since the moment I first heard it-)


People come and they go

Ava laid awake in bed, her mind filled with the thoughts that always seemed to keep her awake. This time, it was the Daemos. Her late night thoughts about them used to be fear over whether or not they'd try to murder her or her roommate, (Y/n), in their sleep, but now it was different. She and (Y/n) had become bonded to them. Her fears regarding them now were what would happen to her and (Y/n) if they left.

Some people may stay with you though

Ava wanted them to remain on Earth for as long as she could. With them and (Y/n), she didn't feel alone anymore, or like she wasn't wanted. And she couldn't help but notice how the boys made (Y/n) smile their beautiful, bright smile like she had never seen before...

I am all alone tonight and I

Kept on asking myself questions

She sat up in bed, reaching for her phone to check them time. It was a few minutes from midnight now. She knew she should get some sleep to prepare for whatever hijinks the Daemos boys would bring tomorrow, but she didn't mind having them and (Y/n) in her thoughts. She had already loved (Y/n) for everything they were, but the Daemos brought life into the both of them that made everything feel better. They were more than worth keeping around.

You could say that I was uptight

Even in the latest hours of night, Rhys was awake as well; this wasn't that uncommon of an occurrence, however, since he had the tendency to work himself until he couldn't stay awake any longer. Especially since the mission on Earth. Still tonight, he couldn't seem to concentrate on the open book on the desk in front of them. All he could think about were the pros and cons of them staying on Earth forever. He, the one who was so consistently urging them to return to Daemos, was contemplating staying all the same.

I never really doubted my life

He wished that he could shake off the thought and focus on the mission at hand, but that was easier said than done. His head knew to leave as soon as they could, but his heart was longing, aching to stay with Ava and (Y/n) on Earth.

But tonight got me thinking 'bout it all

More than anything, thoughts of (Y/n) were in his mind. He pushed his chair away from the desk in frustration, but even that couldn't last as he calmed at the thought of the human once more.

If I am the fool I don't know

He felt so stupid that he couldn't have predict what effects Ava and (Y/n) would have on the group. But he couldn't deny the way there were all feeling for the latter of the two humans...

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