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Rhys x Reader

Relationship: Strangers

Setting: Library

Third Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name

(E/c) - Eye color


It took a bit of time and adjustment, but eventually Rhys was allowed to leave the apartment unsupervised. And though the city had a lot for him to do, he always seemed to find himself back at the library, seated alone at the round table near the front desk, with piles of book around him, most of which he could get through in one sitting. Lately, however, his focus was drifting more and more from the book in his hands to the librarian seated at the desk, usually reading a book of their own.

He wasn't sure why he was so charmed by them. He speculates that it was because he could read their every expression, every reaction, as they scanned over the book in front of them. The emotions that shone in their eyes through brightness or through tears, the way their lips would either smirk or tremble or part in a soft gasp had his eyes glued to them. For lack of a better term, he found them incredibly cute.

One day, he was struggling to find as many books as usual that interested him when he heard another patron request a recommendation from the cute librarian at the front desk, and he nearly sprung to his feet, wishing to do the same.

"Pardon me?" He spoke up, a bit nervous to speak to them for the first time. But when the human looked up to him with a soft smile, every amount of worry seemed to melt away.

"Hello, I'm (Y/n), how can I help you?"

"I was wondering if you had any book recommendations..."

(Y/n) happily nodded. "Yes, I have tons! What genre are you looking for?"

Rhys paused for a long moment, not sure of what to say, and (Y/n) seemed to read his unsureness instantly.

"Would you like another history? That's what I see you reading the most here..."

His eyes widened at their words. So... they had noticed him as well? For how long? And why did it take him so long to go speak with them?

"A-Actually..." Rhys murmured. "I was a bit more curious about what you are reading."

(Y/n) flushed, looking down at the book in front of them. "Well... I'm a little shy to admit this, but it's a romance novel... It's called 'What Is Love?' and I've really been enjoying it so far." They smile. "This one is my copy, but the library has one too. Should I go get it for you?"

Rhys had never read a romance novel before, he truthfully never saw the point to until right now. His hesitancy was not nearly enough to stop him from eagerly nodding at (Y/n), a smile of his own forming on his lips. "Please."


The next day, Rhys returned the book, much to (Y/n)'s dismay. "Oh, you didn't like it?"

"On the contrary," Rhys began, grinning. "I couldn't put it down."

"Y-You finished it?" (Y/n) gasped, looking up to the Daemos with eyes filled with admiration. "That's amazing! What did you think?"

"It was quite fascinating! I quite like how it touched on both romantic and platonic relationships with the two humans in the story and the demons around them. Although, I never would have expected that the main character was actually-"

"N-No, wait!" (Y/n) interjected. "Don't tell me, I haven't finished it yet... But now I have to, I want to talk to you about it." They leaned forward on their desk, sweetly smiling up at him.

Rhys' cheeks flushed, but he leaned forward as well, smiling back at them. "Take your time, I'll be more than happy to wait for you."

His words caught (Y/n) off guard, and they watched him walk away as butterflies sprang to life in their stomach. When they finally returned to reality, their eyes flickered down to the small piece of paper that has been left on their desk. "Huh...?"

Their eyes scanned over the words neatly scribbled down and their heart nearly beat out of their chest.

The halls here may be dark, but you are the brightest ray of sun I have ever seen.

The reason why the grass is green lies

In the (e/c) of your eyes

And the light of your smile.

I try not to pry, but it's terribly hard

To not sit and stare at you for a while.


"R-Rhys..." (Y/n) repeated the name to themself, softly, before leaning back in their chair with a dreamy sigh. "Who knew that bookworm could be such a romantic...?"

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