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Jake x Reader

Relationship: Dating

Setting: Unnamed Coffee Shop

This PoV is confusing guys, it's first person and third at the same, just go with it pls

(Y/n) - Your name

(E/c) - Eye color

Once again, go check out the artist, xX_X_Nightmare_X_Xx!The art they've been making for my work is always so well done! Look at my boy Jake!!


I remember seeing you at the coffee shop before. I went between classes, you went if you had free time in the morning, and sometimes our schedules would line up. And I'd sit at my table with my laptop, and I'd listen to you order the same thing every time.

"C-Can I get a small coffee and an... almond croissant, please?" Jake asked the person behind the counter, and he went to find a place to sit after paying. He found his usual spot by the window that let in the warm sunlight without completely blinding him. And from there, he could see (Y/n) too, typing away on their computer, taking the occasional sips from their drink.

I always wondered what you were writing, you seemed really focused. Sometimes, I noticed you trying to pick up your drink without looking away from your laptop, and you'd just awkwardly pat the table until you found the cup...

It wasn't the first time Jake had noticed them there, nor was it the first time (Y/n) noticed him. When (Y/n) went into the coffee shop, they'd sit in the same spot where they could work and listen for Jake's order. Hearing the quiet stutter in his voice always made their cheeks flush, and they'd allow their eyes to flicker away from the screen so they could look at the cute boy with the bright blonde hair.

And Jake would always take his seat at the window, drinking his coffee and letting his attention return to (Y/n) every-so-often, listening to the loud clicks of their keyboard as they typed, watching the little faces they made when they were thinking, and admiring the pretty shades of (e/c) that their eyes were.

I really should've tried to talk to you sooner... I don't know why I didn't, I guess I was nervous I'd scare you away or something. But I think that day, I didn't feel like I could hold myself back anymore.

(Y/n) lifted their head, immediately locking eyes with Jake and smiling as his face flushes bright red. "Hey," They spoke up before Jake could look away. "Take a picture, it'll last longer."

"I-I'm so sorry, I-"

I-I think you were trying to be playful when you talked to me, but I remember c-completely panicking. I thought maybe I offended you or made you uncomfortable. But then I heard you laugh. A-And then I realized that I made you laugh, and I completely forgot why I was so nervous.

"Relax, I'm just teasing you..." (Y/n) giggled. "If I didn't want you staring, I would've stopped you, like, weeks ago."

Jake's face flushed somehow redder. "Y-You... noticed that?"

(Y/n) nodded, closing their laptop and leaning forward on their table. "I've... always noticed you..." They said softly, as their heart damn-near pounded out of their chest. Their eyes flickered to the empty chair across from them. "Do you wanna... come sit with me?"

I-I don't think I had ever moved so f-fast in my life than when you asked me that. It felt like something out of a movie.

"I'm (Y/n), by the way..." They added. "It's nice to finally talk to you..."

Jake took his seat at the table, smiling slightly. "I-It's really nice to talk to you too... I-I'm Jake..."

I already knew your name, I'd heard you order enough. But being able to hear it from you really made my day! I'd been wanting to talk to you for so long at that point.

"S-So, I'm guessing you come here a lot?" Jake asked.

"Yeah, all the time." (Y/n) hummed. "Between my classes, usually. If I have enough time."

Jake smiled. "S-So you're a student? Is that why y-you're writing all the time?"

"Well, not all the time. Sometimes I write for myself a little... but mostly it's for school." They let out a small laugh, rubbing the back of their neck. "Finals are coming up, and then I'm out of there."

"G-Good luck then." Jake hummed.

(Y/n) couldn't have hid the smile on their face if they tried. "Thanks!" They took another sip of their drink. "What about you, what do you do?"

"I'm a landlord, actually..." Jake admitted. "I'd like to come out here more, but sometimes my tenants need me in the mornings... I don't always get the chance."

"Oh..." (Y/n) mutters. "That must be a lot of work. No wonder you space out when you're here all the time..."


B-Believe it or not, I was actually spacing out. Yeah, okay. And you always happened to do it while looking in my direction. And blaming it on work, that's a terrible excuse! W-Well, I couldn't tell you back then that I was trying to think of how to ask you out, that'd be embarrassing!

(Y/n) and Jake continued to talk long after they finished their drinks, happily engaged with their little quiet conversation. It wasn't until (Y/n)'s phone began to go off that they realized how long they'd been talking.

"Ah- damnit, my class is starting in ten minutes?" (Y/n) huffed, sliding their laptop into their bag. "That went by so fast! I'm sorry Jake, I've gotta run!"

The blonde boy frowned, looking down at his watch. Had he really been talking to them for almost an hour? "R-Right... I'll see you around..."

(Y/n) hurried out of the coffee shop, and down the sidewalk, but Jake noticed they had left behind a small slip of paper. He quickly grabbed it, running out the door after them.

"W-Wait, (Y/n)!" He tried to call, but they were already down the street. He let out a sigh of disappointment, turning to go back inside when he looked down at the paper in his hands.

'Call me sometime, cutie! Here's my number! ;D xxx-xxx-xxxx'

Jake's breath caught in his throat as he stared at the small paper. "C-Cutie?"

I-I thought I was about to pass out when I read that, I thought I'd die. Please don't do that, honey, Heaven already has enough angels! (Y-Y/n)...

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