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Zex x Daemos! Reader

Relationship: Courting

Setting: Daemos Palace

Second Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


Zex was a light sleeper. He had to be as an assassin, but it also had some perks outside of his typical duties. Right now, he was grateful for it as he felt you shift slightly in the bed beside him. Recently, you had been wounded in battle and spent the majority of your days sound asleep while he remained at your side to watch over you. He'd never admit it, but he was beginning to miss you. He opened his eye, watching as you slowly woke.

There was a bit of distance between you two so you were able to sleep in peace, but he could tell you didn't like the gap though your eyes remained closed. A small smirk found its way on his lips as your hand felt around the mattress for him. Your brows furrowed as your hand searched for his body in the darkness, but your expression relaxed and your eyes flickered open as your fingertips grazed over his chest.

It always surprised you how warm he was, but it made you smile to yourself as you absentmindedly traced his scars. Zex gave a small hum in response to your touches, unable to ignore the way the contact sent pleasant chills down his spine.

Your eyes slowly met his. "Have I been asleep for long?"

"Only a day." Zex replied. "Leif finally made himself useful and stayed around to heal you."

"I'm surprised you even let him near me..." You remarked, inching a bit closer to him despite the pain.

He placed a hand on your arm, keeping you from getting too close much to your disappointment. "He should know better than to try anything with you."

"Mmhmm..." Slowly, you were caving into sleep once more, ignoring his hand and pushing closer again. Your hand rested firmly against his chest, savoring the heat of his skin just beneath the trim of his vest. Your twisted horns grazed his neck ever-so-slightly, and even that small sign of trust is enough to tell him that you're a keeper. No matter what happens, he wouldn't dream of giving you up. Even if it ruined his reputation.

Zex let out a small huff at your persistence, but his allowed himself to place a protective arm over your waist. "Go back to sleep now."

You smiled slightly, laying your head against his shoulder. "Give me a moment..." You lifted your other hand to settle on his cheek. You were lucky he was tired, considering he didn't normally accept so much affection from you. In a lot of cases, anyone's attempts of making physical contact with him resulted in their injury because he viewed it as an oncoming attack. You were an exception, but that still didn't mean he had grown used to your touches just yet.

He gazed down at you as your thumb stroked the scar over his eye and he clung to you just a bit tighter in a moment of letting his guard down. He shocked himself that he let himself be so weak for you. Surely no one else would ever see this side of him, no one besides you.

A low hum left him as you began to doze off, all too soon in his opinion. Once he got you for a moment, he wasn't ready to let go, especially not with your hand resting against his cheek, and your thumb still at the bottom of his scar. He shifted his head just slightly so this his lips grazed your palm.

His other hand slips beneath your body to bring you closer, and you let out a small, content sound. And shortly after, you drift back into a state of sleep, wrapped in his arms. He can't fall asleep until awhile later, but he doesn't mind watching your rest by his side. He can't help the way he's become weak to you. He never wants to let go of you...

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