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Leif x Reader

Relationship: Dating

Setting: Ava's Apartment

Second Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


With the little energy you had, you tried to shift your position, rolling over on the sofa. Much to your dismay, the stuffiness in one of your nostril went away only for the other one to take its place. Being sick was so frustrating. You were always stuffy, your throat was sore and gross, you found yourself relying on Ava and sometimes Rhys to cater to your needs considering you had little to no energy left in your system. Hell, you couldn't even get up to get chapstick, leaving your lips cracked, sensitive, and aching.

You tried to close your eyes, but sleep wouldn't take you, only adding on to your frustration. Most of what you could do was watch TV and sulk, as you were doing now, but your mood lightened immediately as you felt a gentle hand on your hip.

"Hey, sweetheart..." The voice of your Daemos boyfriend hummed. "Feeling any better?"

You let out a sigh. "Not really, but it helps that you're here..." You pressed a short kiss to his cheek before he laid on the sofa beside you.

"Anything I can do?" Leif offered, his fingers lightly trailing over your thigh. "Want me to get you something? Or I can try healing you again."

"N-No, save your magic..." You mumbled, as sweet as you thought his offer was. He wouldn't be like this with anyone else, this kind and caring. He made it clear that he would try his hardest to protect you until the bitter end.

Leif frowned. "Okay, fine..." He sighed, drawing you slightly closer.

The two of you laid there in silence for a moment with the sound of the TV playing in the background. You had closed your eyes in another attempt to get some needed rest while Leif simply remained at your side and watched. Even with your eyes closed, you could still feel his state.

"Leify... I love you, but it's kinda hard to fall asleep when you're just staring at me like that..." You whispered.

The Daemos barely registered your words as he fixed his gaze on your irritated lips. And an idea came to his mind.

When you still felt his gaze, you opened your eyes again. "You okay?"

"I think I'm gonna try to heal you again..." He decided.

"Leif, you already tried. I'm telling you, it's not gonna wor-"

You didn't get to finish your sentence before he cupped your cheek with one hand and pressed his lips to yours. You always thought his kisses were special, but this one seemed to fill you with a rush of energy. He held you close to him like that for a moment before pulling away. You immediately noticed that the soreness on your lips was gone.

"What did you...?"

"I healed you..." He hummed, contentedly, tracing his thumb over your now soft lips.

You couldn't help but smile at his happy expression as you leaned in to kiss him again. "My hero..." You joked, pressing a bit closer to him. "Thank you..."

Leif chuckled. "Anything for you, (Y/n)..." It wasn't everyday that he'd use your name instead of throwing out cheesy pet names to fluster you. It showed he really cared. "Just let me know if there's anything else I can do."

The corners of your lips quirked up into a smirk as you coyly looked away. "Well..." You began. "My neck has been a little sore from lying down..."

Leif's cheeks flushed ever so slightly at first, but he quickly returned your smirk, showing off his sharp teeth. "Oh, I see..." He mumbled, sitting up so that he could hover over you. "Let me see what I can do..."

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