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Pierce x Reader

Relationship: Strangers

Setting: Outside Your Apartment

Second Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


As the Daemos boys slowly but surely came to understand Earth better, Ava began to trust them more with certain tasks. If she believed they could handle it, she would let them do things on their own outside of her apartment, and it was getting a little easier with every outing.

That day, Pierce was out running an errand for Ava, but as he was making his way home from the grocery store, he got distracted. He usually prided himself on being worthy of Ava's trust, in this case by making quick work of her errands, but this time he allowed himself to be sidetracked. He couldn't help it this time, looking at the cute human crouched in the alley, leaving food out for the stray cats.

You pushed the small bowl of cat food towards a bit further into the alley, a small smile on your lips. "C'mon, little kitties..." You murmured. "I know you're around... I've got some food for you!"

He couldn't help but find you endearing immediately as you continued to nudge the little dish into the alley. Your eyes flickered around, and you must've caught sight of him in your peripherals, as a small gasp escaped your lips and you rose to your feet. "Oh, uh- hello."

Pierce gave you a small smile in return. "Hello."

"I'm sorry if I was in your way there, I was just trying to uh... feed the cats." You spoke quietly, fiddling with your fingers.

"It's okay." He assured you, glancing into the alley as a small kitten crept over to the food bowl. "It seems to be going well."

You quickly looked back over, squealing excitedly at the sight of the little cat. "The kitten!" You beamed, squatting back down. "Oh, I've only seen it from my window." You rested your face in your hand, gazing at the small animal.

Pierce adjusted the groceries in his arms as he crouched at you side to watch the cat.

"He's never come out for me before." You hummed softly. "You must be lucky..." You lightly nudge him with your elbow and he smiles slightly.

"I'm glad I could be of assistance."

"You talk funny." You giggled, reaching out to pet the cat's head. "What's your name?"

Pierce turned to face you. "Pierce."

You flashed your smile again, and he found himself growing attached to it despite having only known you for a few minutes. "I'm (Y/n)." You held your hand out to him. "Nice to meet you."

"You too." He replied simply, gently shaking your hand.

Your smile grew. "So, Pierce..." You began. "Maybe you should come around here more... I want to see the alley cats more often." You lightly nudged him again. "I uh... wouldn't mind seeing you again either though. I'm not just in it for the cats..."

Pierce felt his face flush slightly at your words as he rose back to his feet. "I can come back."

You practically jumped to your feet beside him, grinning. "Great! I'll see you soon then!"

As he began to go on his way, you waved at him before your attention returned to the cat. He knew he would absolutely have to come back; if he could attract a cat like that again just to see that precious smile of yours, he'd do it again in a heartbeat. Maybe Ava wouldn't appreciate him being a little later than usual... but you were more than worth it.

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