Relationship Preferences ~ Jake Catch-Up

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(Just for the record, this may not make a ton of sense if you hadn't read my first oneshots and preferences, so if you haven't read that and you're interested in seeing these preferences for the others, go check out my other book! Also, I took some of the preferences out bc they don't apply to the character. Like, Jake probably wouldn't have a reaction if his s/o had horns in the same way the Daemos or Ava might)


💝How You Met💝

You met while you were visiting Ava at her apartment. You were childhood friends since your parents were friends with hers. You got there and asked Jake for directions, only to learn that he owned the building. He led you up to Ava's floor and he couldn't help but blush when you smiled and thanked him as he turned back towards the elevators.

💝Becoming Friends💝

The more you visited Ava, the more you saw Jake. And the more you saw Jake, the more you two spoke. Eventually, during one visit, you actually showed up to see him, asking him if he wanted to go out as long as he wasn't busy. He was more than happy to agree, and after going out, you asked for his number so you could do it again another time.

💝When You Realized You Liked Them💝

You knew shortly after you two started spending more time together. He was really shy, but beneath all of the stuttering, he was just a really sweet guy who was kind to others and tried to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Meeting someone so genuinely nice like that, how couldn't you just fall for him?

💝When They Realized They Liked You💝

He liked you since the time you showed up at the building to see him instead of Ava. He didn't get a lot of visitors that were actually for him, but saw a decent amount of people stop by for residents. The fact that that you went out of your way to see him just to ask to hang out, not knowing if he'd actually be able to go, meant a lot to him. He appreciated your effort just to spend time with him as someone you barely knew and he was smitten since then.

💝Who Confessed💝



Oh boy, this was kind of a task. Getting your confession out was already a bit difficult on its own, so you tried to keep it short and sweet. What you hadn't anticipated was Jake literally passing out from shock.


"Oh my god! Are you okay??"

After he came to and you calmed him down, he stuttered his was through sharing his own feelings, which were completely mutual!

"I-I really like y-you too... I-I have for k-kind of a while n-now... I know I-I'm not super interesting or anything, b-but if you give me a ch-chance, I'll try n-not to disappoint..."

"Trust me, I know you won't."

💝First Date💝

You two decide to keep it simple and end up going out for lunch. You enjoy a nice, simple, yet ongoing conversation, and by the time you're finished eating, your not quite ready to end the date. So, you take a walk through the park, talking and enjoying the weather. Afterwards, he offers to walk you home, and he's red-faced as you accept and take his hand in yours.

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