❤️~Want You~❤️

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Asch x Reader

Relationship: Dating

Setting: Ava's Apartment

Second Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name

Art once again created by the wonderful xX_X_Nightmare_X_Xx!!

⚠️Lime Warning!⚠️


You had been wanting to take your relationship with Asch to the next level for a while... It was too bad your Daemos boyfriend, as wonderful as he was, was dense as a brick. You tried dropping hints, letting your hugs linger for longer, sitting closer to him the normal, saying his name more when you addressed him since that seemed to get a reaction, but nothing was working!

You needed to be direct...

That evening, Asch met you in the living room after a meeting with his knights while you had been trying to ready yourself to move things along, as flustered as the thought made you. "Hey, Aschy..." You cooed, opening your arms to him as he entered through the wall.

Asch scoffed at the pet name, but it didn't deter him from approaching and encasing you in the warmth of his arms. "(Y/n)..." His arms rested comfortably around your waist and you leaned closer, nuzzling into his neck.

"Hey, Asch..." You whispered.

He gave a small hum in response, seemingly too preoccupied with your embrace to properly look at you. He seemed a bit tired, maybe stressed, and you hoped desperately that this was the right time.

"I-I... really want you..."

You felt his body stiffen in your arms at that, and you took a step back, looking at him from beneath your eyelashes. His cheeks were flushed almost as red as his cape, and his eyes were wide. It made you a little nervous.

"Y-You don't have to if you're not re-" Before you could finish, he had you back im his arms, his hands settled firmly on your hips. He leaned forward, his forehead resting against your own.

"Say it again..." He whispered, the look he was giving you heavy enough to make your knees feel weak.

You leaned closer to him as you spoke. "I r-really want you..." You repeated. "Right now..."

You barely had a chance to finish before his lips were pressed to yours. It was fast-paced and passionate, but he was being surprisingly gentle to begin with. You wrapped your arms around his neck, twirling your fingers in his hair.

Slowly, the kiss grew deeper. You could feel his teeth graze over your lips as his hand pressed against the back of your head, trying to pull you closer. The movement drew a quiet moan from your lips, and you broke the kiss to catch your breath. He didn't let you move too far, however, continuing to hold your body flush against his.

His grip on your hips tightens, making a breathy whine leave your lips. You cling onto the fluffy collar of his cape as your body is slowly lowered into a dip. It's a good thing too, since you thought your legs were about to give. "I-I..."

The words don't come, as Asch leans in, placing a light kiss on your jaw before promptly scooping you up into his arms and turning back toward the palace. Your arms wrap back around his neck as he paces down the corridor. As you walk, the sconces on the walls that light the palace, blow out, and before you know it, you're in Asch's ornate bedroom, being pinned against the plush bed.

He smirks down at you, hands against the bed on either side of your head, and you tug at his collar again. He seems to get the message as he removes his cape, dropping it on the floor behind him, and lifts his shirt over his head. You find your face flushing as your gaze at his body, perfectly built, practically free of scarring or blemishes.

His cheeks flush at your staring, but his smirk returns. "You like what you see~?" He taunts, his voice sounding low and gravely.

You slowly, almost shyly, nod your head. "...Maybe."

He chuckles as he leans back in, but this time he presses a heated kiss against your neck, just above your collarbone. Your breath catches in your throat at the contact, and you hold back a moan when his hands find your thighs. You turn your head to the side, both to give him more access to your neck, and because if you look at him like this, you might explode. Just because you're the one who asked for this, doesn't mean it can't make you shy...

After a moment of searching, Asch finds the sweet spot on your neck, given away by your little gasps, and he tries to be gentle when he bites down.

"Nghhh~" You try to suppress your moan, but it comes out despite you. You wrap you arms back around his neck as he pleasures yours. And in the meantime, one of his hands slides up your shirt. He trails his fingers along your side and traces patterns on your abdomen absentmindedly, making your head spin. You moan again, shifting your body slightly to meet his touches.

When Asch draws himself away from your neck, his other hand joins the first beneath your shirt and ge pulls it over your head, almost abruptly. Your face burns red as his eyes scan over your figure, and it's not long before you have to look away.

"Y-You like what you see...?" You try to mimic him.

He grins at you. "Maybe..." He leans back down, passionately kissing you once more, and trying not to smile when he feels you melt into the mattress.

You try to arch your back, pressing your now bare chest up against his. He breaks away at that, leaving a trail of saliva between your lips and his and makes your face redden even more. His hands glide back down your thighs, pushing them a bit further apart so he can roll his hips against yours.

You gasp softly at the sudden friction between your legs, and another sound escapes you when he squeezes your legs. He tries to pull you closer against him as he presses his hips harder against yours.

You tilt your head back against the mattress. "A-Asch...~!"

You hear him grunt, and when you look back at him, his eyes are filled with lust. "Say it again~"

"A-Asch..." You whine. "P-Please just keep going..."

His face burns at your plea, and he presses your body down as he leans in beside your head. I know you say you're not royalty, my flame..." He whispers, his breath fanning you ear. "...but tonight there will be no doubt that you'll feel like my monarch..."

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