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Highschool! Ava x Highschool! Reader

Relationship: Dating

Setting: Ava's Apartment

Third Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


"I'm sorry..." Ava sighed, looking up at her former prom date. She was standing in her doorway, hunched over, feeling half-dead. She was sick, she seemed to be getting sick a lot lately, and now it was ruining the night of her senior prom. Maybe it would feel better if she was the only one affected, but now her date had to suffer as well.

Poor (Y/n) arrived to pick her up, dressed up neatly, hair styled and face clean and pretty. They looked exactly how Ava had imagined them when she daydreamed about prom, but now they wouldn't be able to have their night either.

Ava wished they would leave her be, and go to prom anyways, maybe meet another girl from school and dance with her instead, but (Y/n) didn't do that. Instead, they walked past Ava, taking her arm to lead her inside.

"(Y/n)?" Ava asked as she was dragged back into her apartment. "What are you doing?"

"Taking care of you." (Y/n) responded, simply, looking back to smile at her. "I can't just let you suffer here alone, can I, prom date?"

Ava frowned. "But, you got all dressed up... Y-You probably spent so much time on your outfit and hair, and it had to be expensive too-" She looked away. "Go out and have fun, don't worry about me... Lorelai's there too, right? I'm sure she'd let you hang out with her... group."

(Y/n) let out a sigh as they made it to Ava's bedroom, helping the girl sit down. Ava clearly didn't like her own idea, but (Y/n) didn't either. "I'm not doing anything I don't want to do, y'know?" They reminded her. "I asked you out in the first place and I'm getting that night with you one way or another." They gave her a playful grin. "I bet I can make it just as magical to take care of you when you're sick as I can make it for you to dance with me at prom."

Ava's face flushed. "(Y/n)..." She whined, clearly embarrassed, but her date only laughed.

"Just relax." They urged. "I promise, everything will be perfectly fine."

"B-But I..." Ava tried to speak up, but nothing came out. Instead, she pushed herself up out of bed and offered I hand to (Y/n). "I-I still want you to get a good dance in..."

It was M's turn to blush now, as they took Ava's hand and stood as well. "Are you sure you're well enough to dance?"

"I-I'll be okay... I-I want to do this." Ava pushed, trying desperately not to stutter her way through the sentence.

"Then let's do it." (Y/n) retrieved their phone from their pocket and scrolled for a nice slow song. They tossed the phone aside on the bed and drew Ava closer, their arms carefully wrapping about their waist.

Ava, in turn, wrapped her arms around M's neck, forcing herself to make eye contact. In the dark room, (Y/n)'s eyes still managed to shine in that same familiar way that she adored.

They moved across her bedroom floor, slowly and carefully, swaying to the slow rhythms of the song. (Y/n) smiled down at her, looking perfectly content.

"Y-You look really nice tonight..." Ava murmured, trying to make the usual kind of awkward prom small talk.

(Y/n) giggled. "You don't look so bad yourself." They teased back, lightheartedly.

Ava huffed. "Don't lie to me, (Y/n)..."

"No, really!" They exclaimed. "Even when you're sick, you're as beautiful as ever, A..."

Ava let out a small sigh at that, the corners of her lips quirking up into a smile. She laid her head against her date's shoulder. "Thanks for all this."

"Anytime." (Y/n) hummed. "I'd be more than happy to do this with you a million times over."

Ava smiled even as her fatigue returned and she pressed a bit closer to her dance partner. "Y-You're the best..."

(Y/n) began to lead Ava back to her bed, carefully, helping her sit back down as the song came to an end. "Can I trust you to take care of me when I inevitably get sick after this?"

"I mean, you might not..." Ava mumbled, a dazed smile on her face.

"No, I will..."

"How're you so sure?"

Ava barely got a chance to finish the sentence before (Y/n) pressed a kiss to her lips, holding her smaller frame close. Ava hummed against her, giving her shoulder a small squeeze. Maybe this might could be perfect after all...

"Be quiet, Devon!" A new voice whispered from the doorway. "Let them have their moment..."

"Our baby is growing up so fast, though! I want to take a picture!"

Ava and (Y/n) broke apart instantly at the sound of Ava's parents at the door. Ava's face reddened excessively. "Dad, Pop!" She cried. "Get out!"

"Sorry, pumpkin!" Andrew cried as he and Devon rushed off, elsewhere in the apartment.

Ava hid her face in her hands while (Y/n) let out a small, flustered giggle. "That was so cute..." They remarked. "You think we'll ever be like that?"

Ava looked up at them through the gaps between her fingers. "What, married or invasive?"

"Mmm... both." (Y/n) replied with a grin.

Ava's cheeks flushed bright red as she hit them with her pillow. "You're already like them!" She huffed, getting another laugh out of her partner.

(Y/n) shielded themself with their arm, their smile remaining even when their laughter died down. "...I really do hope we're like them when we're married."


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