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Asch x Daemos! Reader

Relationship: Strangers

Setting: Daemos

Third Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name

(F/c) - Favorite color

(E/c) - Eye color


It was evenings like this that made Asch despise his royalty. Having to properly present himself as a prince and attend extravagant events was an inconvenience, a chore to him, and he never even got to benefit from it. Those parties were always for Rhal as the king searched for suitors to become the future queen of Daemos. And Asch was forced to attend as well, despite having no use for these events, despite already knowing his fate. Every minute that he had to stand by in the throne room, his hair tied back into a short ponytail and his clothes formal and uncomfortable, was agony.

At least, it was until a certain Daemos caught his eye across the room. They were standing idly by the dance floor, their eyes not moving from where they stared at the ground. He was immediately charmed by them, though they had yet to so much as make eye contact. There was just something about them that made him want to approach, he didn't know what it was. Perhaps it was the way their smooth (f/c) horns curled downwards and neatly framed their face. Or maybe it was the awkward, yet alluring way the swayed in place to the soft music. Or maybe it was their eyes, a beautiful shade of (e/c), that caught the light of the chandelier like gems.

And when those eyes met his from across the room, it was all over for him.

He found his feet moving without him realizing, as he moved across the room to meet them. No one else in the room mattered, as he weaved through the Daemoses who danced and talked around him. It didn't matter why they were in attendance, whether they were a royal who was present to court Rhal or a noble only there because they had to be. He just wanted to be close to them even if it only lasted a minute.

They seemed to tense as he approached, much to his frustration.

"Your majesty..." They spoke up, bowing to him as he slowed to a stop in front of them.

Asch's breath caught in his throat, and he forgot to reply for what felt like a long moment. "Who are you?"

"My name is (Y/n)." They replied. "I'm an advisor to one of the princesses here to meet Prince Rhal.

He took a step closer. "So you're not royalty?" He almost smiled at that thought, they weren't there to meet Rhal. They were stuck in that party for the same reason he was.

(Y/n) shook their head. "N-No, of course not."

"Good..." Asch mumbled, extending his hand to them. He didn't need to ask them to dance verbally, the two of them already seemed to be on the same wavelength. They took his hand and let him draw them closer as he stepped back onto the dance floor.

A pleasant chill ran down his spine as (Y/n)'s hand found it's place on his shoulder. "What do you want with me?" They asked, quietly. Their feet moved in sync with his, effortlessly figuring out the rhythm of movements.

"You looked... different than anyone else here." Asch muttered. "You didn't look like you wanted to be here."

A small smile graced their lips. "My apologies for saying so, but I don't... I guess I'm not a very good actor."

"You're not." Asch replied, but his tone was light and managed to make the advisor's smile grow. "And if I'm being honest, I'd rather not be here either... These parties are always for Rhal, not me."

"Oh?" (Y/n) tilted their head at him, a motion the Prince couldn't help but find adorable. "Would you rather be in his place?"

Normally the answer would be no. Asch wanted to take the throne, and before that night, hadn't wanted to look for a suitor. However, in a moment of boldness, he came up with a response as he leaned in closer to (Y/n). "Perhaps... if you were a royal, that is."

A red hue bloomed over the advisor's cheeks and they avoided his gaze. "A-Ah, I see..." They stuttered, softly. "H-How kind of you to say but... I'm nothing special, just look around..."

Asch caught himself smiling for a moment. "I think you're special..." He admitted, his voice softer than he had ever allowed it to be. "I would choose you in a heartbeat."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "M-Me?" They opened their mouth to object, but all that came out was a surprised squeak as Asch twirled them around beneath his arm. They stumbled a bit at the spin, falling against him. "Ah, my apologies!" They gasped out, looking back at him.

Asch frowned. "Your so tense..." He sighed. "You don't have to be right now, you aren't my advisor."

"I-I suppose that's true..." (Y/n) murmured, stabilizing themself even as they continued to lean against Asch.

"You're merely indulging me..." Asch hummed in response. "It's not often that I get to dance with such a lovely Daemos..."

(Y/n) gasped an giggled, their hand gently squeezing his shoulder. "You say that as if you're the only one being indulged." They replied, their tone a bit playful. "It's not often that I get to dance with a handsome Prince."

Asch felt his face flush as he held the advisor a bit closer to his chest. "You're too kind..." He murmured, a line that would normally be a bad thing on Daemos. Yet, in the way Asch said it, it sounded much more like a compliment.

"You flatter me, your highness..." (Y/n) cooed, their tone still light. They didn't feel the need to call him that because it was a title, but because they could use it to tease him, to make him smile.

"You're smart too..." Asch remarked. "Whoever you're advising doesn't deserve someone like you..."

The advisor's cheeks flushed a darker shade. "Th-This kingdom doesn't deserve someone like you..." They mimicked him, voice barely above a whisper.

Asch let out a small sigh at that. "This party doesn't deserve you..." He glanced away, towards the door to the hall. The couple's dancing ceased. "If I were to offer to take you elsewhere, what would you say?"

"Well..." (Y/n) broke away from him. "A good advisor would stay with the Princess they were attending with..."

Asch's shoulders sank. "Of... Of course..." He was about to turn away, when they took his hand and led him off the floor.

"But... a better advisor would try to maintain diplomatic relations between kingdoms..." (Y/n) continued. "A-And if that means spending some... alone time with the Prince, so be it."

When (Y/n) smiled up at him, the slightest glint of mischief in his eyes, he swore they were made for him. He could kiss them, right then and there.

"Besides," (Y/n) spoke up again as they neared the door. "I think she'll be just fine..." They looked back into the ballroom, their gaze focused on the blonde woman who's hand was being kissed by none other than Rhal. "If they continue to get along so well, perhaps you and I will have a chance to get closer in the future..."

Asch stepped by them, their hands still connected. "Perhaps..." He echoed them as he led them from the room. "But perhaps, we could get closer now." When they were out of sight, he drew (Y/n) against him by their waist, eliciting a small gasp from their lips. "Just in case..."

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