💚~Alone Time~💚

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Leif x Reader

Relationship: Dating

Setting: Ava's Apartment

Second Person PoV

(Y/n) - Your name


Once again, go check out the artist, @xX_X_Nightmare_X_Xx, for their amazing work!!

Also, this oneshot is a lime, per the request of someone who said that I was good at writing these when I wrote one almost three years ago. Lmk if you want to see more of this kind of content :)

⚠️Lime Warning!⚠️


You and Leif could never seem to get a moment alone. The other Daemos or your roommate, Ava, always seemed to be around when you two wanted to do certain couple things. Just the night before, you had been on the sofa with Leif, seated happily in his lap, when Ava came to tell you not to "do the dirty" on her couch. You had just about given up on getting your couple's alone time.

That evening, you were seated in your bed, reading a book, when you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist. "Hey sweetheart~" A familiar voice purred in your ear, and you jumped, quickly shifting to sit on your knees and turning around. You were quickly met with the face of your boyfriend, grinning at you. He chuckled at your slightly armed expression. "Are you okay?"

You gave a small nod in response. "Yeah, I'm fine... but you have to stop scaring me like that!"

"No promises..." Leif replied. "Cutie...~"

You rolled your eyes at his playful antics, before a thought crossed your mind. Ava was asleep, and the other Daemos were who knows where; last you heard, they were supposedly sparring. You and Leif were finally alone...

"So Leif..." You spoke up, softly, setting your book aside. "About last night..."

He seemed to follow your thought process almost too quickly, and he leaned in a bit closer. "Yeah...~?"

You felt your cheeks flush a bit at his expression, but you continued despite it. You had always loved how he could make you feel so simultaneously flustered and comfortable at the same time. "I want to spend more time with you... like that."

"Oh really~?" Leif asked with a smirk.

"Really..." You hummed, leaning closer to him in response.

Leif's smirk became a more genuine smile, and he placed a hand on the back of your head, bringing you close enough so that your foreheads were resting together. "As long as you're happy, sweetheart~"

Your heart melted at his words, and you were nearly overcome by the sudden urge to smother his face in kisses. "I'd be very happy..." You cooed before pulling away. "But... Ava is also sleeping right now..." You were about to suggest going to his room in the palace instead, but he cut you off with a chuckle.

"So..." He leaned in closer, lowering your back onto your bed. "You'll have to stay quiet then~"

All at once, your thoughts of moving disappeared as he pinned you down on your bed. "Y-Yeah..." You agreed, quietly, the corners of your lips quirking up into a small, shy smile.

Leif returned your smile, briefly, before he leaned down and kissed you. The kiss was immediately passionate, your arms wrapping around his neck as he pressed your body down into the bed. His hands settled on your waist as he pulled himself away from your lips to instead give your exposed neck some attention.

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