CHAPTER 13 - Getting Information

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....They turn in their seats to see smoke coming from Elaina's property....

"You think it's safe to say that they know where we are?" Elaina asks.

"I think so" Ziva replies staying focused on the road ahead, "Do we know if this person works alone?"

"I believe that they work with a group of loyal minions to help them do their bidding."

"Ok then, keep an eye out for secondary ambushes, maybe people watching the road too closely, passing the same coffee shop, sitting in their cars, on the phone not talking..." 

"Yeah yeah, I know the drill." Elaina said without looking back at Ziva

"I know."

"You just thought this was all behind you." 

"Yes I did," Ziva said with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"And you don't know how you'll do while caring a baby."

"Can you just focus on making sure we don't get bombed!"

"I'm a good multitasker," Elaina said with a slight smirk.

They stay quiet for a few turns, Elaina keeping an eye out for threats and Ziva focusing on the road and thinking about what Elaina said.

"You're right, having a baby that I'm not sure my body can handle normally while having this death threat against me has been on my mind."

"I can tell."

"Don't start analyzing me," Ziva said a little annoyed.

"Too late."

"What did you find?"

"You want to protect your baby, independently, you want to neutralize this threat so you can live with this baby and you're frustrated at me because I can read you so easily."

"Not bad."

"I'm a people reader," Elaina stated simply.

"Ha, any suspicious people?"

"Nope, I may be a little rusty but my Spidey senses haven't failed me yet."

"How's the hangover?"

"Being on the run from someone who just blew up your house is a good distraction."

"Yeah, sorry about that," Ziva said knowing that would have never happen without her being hunted.

"Hey, doesn't your boss have a rule against saying you're sorry."

"Yes, he does."

"I like it, don't say you're sorry unless you really screwed up, and this isn't your fault."

"Thanks," Ziva said knowing that Elaina really didn't blame her.


They keep driving, Elaina trusting that Ziva has a place for them to lay low, a safehouse of sorts, or a impenetrable bunker would be nice. Elaina noticed how the landscapes are switching from city, to outskirts, to desert and then to olive trees?

"You have a hidden safe house in the olive grove?" Elaina asked suspicious.


"Then what are we doing here?"

"You had a meeting with your contact to get to," Ziva said.

"Yeah but that's tomorrow."

"Call him with the change of plans."

"How do you know it's a he?"

"You said you had a guy."

"Oh yeah true."

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