CHAPTER 14 - You're not just fighting for yourself

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Narrators POV:

Ziva emerges from her hidden spot to see what Elaina gathered, although she could hear the majority of the conversation there were times where she wasn't completely sure she got everything.

"What did he say?"

"Not much."

"Okay...." Ziva says trying to get Elaina to summarize for her.

"He gave us this file to look through, we need to keep this safe."

"Yep." Ziva says taking to file to read.

"Basically he said that the jerk who got my house blown up is Nevo Tamar, he has minions to do his dirty work, and he's after you because..."

Elaina didn't know how her next sentence was going to make Ziva react, she was trying to forget all the pain she caused and now it is still coming back to haunt her.

"You killed someone close to him."

"I killed a lot of people." Ziva says quietly.

"Ziva, it's not your fault," Elaina says trying to avoid Ziva blaming herself.

"But it is. I pulled the trigger or stabbed the knife. I stopped their life. I hit the target. It's who I am."

"It's who you were."

"Apparently not because this could get you killed."

"Don't worry about that. And you didn't decide to kill that person, it was an assignment or it was to protect someone you were working with."

"Like when I killed Ari." Ziva says barely above a whisper.

"You were the operative sent to kill Ari?!?!" Elaina says, shocked, since she had only heard about that high level assignment.


"I thought your boss killed him."

"That's what we said."

"You've never talked about that assignment."

"Because I thought I was past it, I talked withGibbs about it, more than once."

"You shot Ari to save Gibbs didn't you?" Elaina said, putting the pieces together.


"You shouldn't regret that, by the sound of it Gibbs gave you so much more than Ari ever could have."

"That may be true, but he was still my brother."

"Yes, but the past is the past, this is now, these are the cards we've been dealt. So, let's put this aside and move before we get blown up."


They get in the car, this time Elaina driving to give Ziva some space, knowing what was going through her head. And to let her read the file while they drive to the farmhouse. Besides Elaina knows how to drive like Ziva and to avoid traps and threats like-

"TRIPWIRE" Ziva yells. 

Elaina stops the car; they hadn't even left the olive grove.


"Two metres ahead, 3 inches off the ground." Ziva says

Elaina sees it immediately, "Setup so that when we drive over it, we would blow up." She says following the trip wire to an explosive device.


"You got it or me?" Elaina says referring to who would disarm the bomb.

"I got it."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2022 ⏰

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