dragon daddy

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girl1: "eeh?!"

girl2: "wow......."

boy1: "what the?"

girl3: "whats going on?"

girl4: "this....... this looks so worrying and equally adorable."

it was a usual day in kuoh academy. girls coming in chatting, making jokes, boys trying to act pervy and all. but right now, literally everyones attention, including teachers, were pointed towards a one very specific green haired student.

izuku was back in school. he took a break from school for a few days due to an urgent development with his late night passion which he does professionally. and once again he was his usual self. 

except he was covered with a shit load of bandages, with the only visible part of his face being his mouth and eyes. but to everyone that wasnt the most shocking part about him.

there was another reason for why everyone was looking at him in shock, awe, confusion and many different feelings.

izuku: "we are here my little pup."

kunou: "ok papa."

there was kunou, between him and his backpack, using the latter as a makeshift strap. with izuku gently patting her. not listening or giving a shit about the completely awestruck and pale faces of everyone around him. 

students: ""EEEEEHHHHH"

and as for why kunou was here is because she was still traumatized form the incident and somewhat started to jump away in fear when she saw a human. and she was also attached to izuku even more and now she was seeing him as her dad or father figure. but it is not like izuku had any problems with that. in fact he would brought eri with him too had it not for tiamat's disagreement. afterall there is nothing more fun for izuku than having a father-daughter bonding time. it does not matter where. even if it inside his school.

once inside it was also similar. everyone was looking at the father daughter duo in shock and confusion. once arriving at the student councils office he knocked the door. once he was allowed in he was bet by the teachers and the council.

sona: "oh........ midor..............*shock*......."

everyone: ".........."

izuku: "good morning souna-san. and principal, glad you are here. I have a request."

everyone: ".........."

izuku: "is there something you want to say?"

saji: "uh.....midobro...... first, what happened to you? and second, why there is a kid with you?"

sona especially had a worried look on her face.

izuku: "and thats exactly what I was going to ask you about too."

principal: "what?"

izuku: "now everyone, this is kunou. sweetie come down, they are good people"

kunou: "ok papa"

as kunou with the help of izuku slid down from his back slowly as everyone else looked at him in shock.

everyone: "P-P-PAPA!?!?!?!?!"

them suddenly shout kinda scared kunou which resulted in her hiding behind izuku. izuku simply glared at them.

izuku: "SILENCE!!!"

everyone backed up and stayed quiet after feeling the intimidating aura.

izuku: "*sigh* sorry for that. now lets start from the beginning. this is kunou. she is the daughter of a close friend of mine. long story short, due to a recent incident, she is traumatized and I brought her here to recover. "

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