power ranking discussion/analysis.(temporary/update1)

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ok people. unfortunately dxd has a vague power ranking system. (cant really blame the author since this is meant to be a mainly harem themed series and not power fantasy), so it is up to people like us to make a reasonable ranking. I will also try my best the make a combat system to that should be reasonable enough. I mean the people who can blast mountains shouldnt really be hurt by rock or something right?

I did some research, currently reading the light novels, and overall trying to gather as much material as I can. but it is nowhere near complete. so feel free to add comments. but here is my rough draft for power rankings.

I must mention, this is not a direct ranking. the rankings will include groups of people. I can make a list of only those who are currently alive later but this list includes dead beings.

1)dragon gods:
great red, ophis(full power), 666

I dont thing there is much of a reason to explain why they are at the top of the list.

2) trimurti:
shiva, brahma, vishnu.
shiva was mentioned to be the strongest god in all religions. brahma and vishnu are are his fellow trimurti. but I will not deny the fact that shiva might be strong enough to be a category of his own. until then they are together.

3) god of bible(yahweh):
we dont know much. aside from some feats. such as creating the sacred gear and faith system. and sealing a sleeping 666. I will not deny his powers but I think he was more of a creator god rather than fighting god. to me he sounds like that super OP support mage that does all the shit and is the real carry of the team. I think he isnt strong enough take on two heavenly dragons at the same time. otherwise, the truce between 3 great factions against the heavenly dragons dont make much sense.

he is is mentioned that he can fight the 4 great satans at the same time but thats if sirzechs and ajuka not go all out. he is probably stronger than either of them but if they team up and go all out, he would lose.

5) crom cruach:
he is said to be even stronger than draig and albion in their prime. and he trained himself to that point. but he could might as well be slightly stronger. then again a slight gap for them could be seen as massive for much weaker people. 

6)super devil(peak)/heavenly dragon(peak): (no particular order)
sirzechs lucifer, ajuka beelzebub, draig, albion. 

cant say if the heavenly dragons are stronger than super devils or vice versa. so I am going to put them in the same group. it is most likely that the power gap between the two groups isnt big so if they were to fight it would be a hard fight for each. and it can even boil down to hax abilities.
draig is mentioned to be stronger than god but I am not sure.
risevim is not included because I need more research.

7) top tier god/ god killing beasts: (no particular order)
hades, fenrir, thor, aten, typhon, apophis, azi dahaka,...
well most of these people, are in the top 10 list if cannon dxd. it is mentioned that apophis and azi dahaka are on par with draig and albion. but I am not so sure.

8) heavenly dragon(base):
dragons have a power called the enraged state, in that state the power of a dragon could rise up a lot. so in their base power they might as well be weaker than likes of fenrir. top evil dragons can also be here in their base strength 

9) gods: chief gods/major gods, dragonkings(enraged state?): 
odin, zeus, poseidon, loki, ...
loki causally took on azazel and baraquiel at the same time. and likes of Michael and azazel appears to be afraid of angering odin.

10) original lucifer:
if he wasnt at least tier stronger than the rest of the angels then why even rebel? can ones ego really blind them that much?

11)satan/dragonking(base)/seraph/cadre:(no particular order)
tiamat, baraquiel, vitra, michael, gabriel, azazel, serafall, grayfia, ...
to be honest I dont think they are that strong compare to the other gods or super devils. cant really decide who is the strongest here. but I am pretty sure vitra would be the weakest. 

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