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Wade is 18! Also I'm so sorry these took so long to re-write bro they were such a mess I formally apologise for the shit I used to write 💀


Peter wasn't having a good day, and maybe saying he hadn't had a good day was an understatement, he was having a terrible day, and not only a terrible day but a terrible week.

For one, Flash wouldn't stop picking on him, and as much as Peter tried to ignore the stupid comments and snarky remarks that the other teenager threw at him they managed to get under his skin much more than he would have liked.

Then there was the homework, oh he couldn't forget the homework. The endless amounts of papers he had stacked up on his desk, not only at home with May but at the tower with Mister Stark as well.

Now Peter was always good with his homework, he always managed to keep on top of it, but he had missed a week of school due to an injury from patrol.

And by injury he means he got shot. He healed fully within three days but Mister Stark had still not let him go back to school, no matter how much Peter had insisted that he could, that he would be fine.

So now he had so much work to catch up on, and as he was catching up on the previous work, more work was being set, so Peter had now spent the last week working, and when he wasn't working he was on patrol.

And when he wasn't on patrol he was... working again.

Peter wasn't going to lie to himself and say that what he was doing was healthy but he didn't really have time to care at this point.

He hadn't been sleeping properly, no matter how tired his bones felt, no matter how many times he had miss calculated his movements when going to grab a cup of coffee and knocked it over.

He had slept a total of 15 hours sleep this whole week, and with his hightened... well everything, it was taking a toll on him much more than he would have liked.

He wasn't eating to much either, he had found that preparing food and lifting it to his mouth was taking up far two much time, precious time he could be spending reading difficult comprehension question for his English.

It was becoming physically hard for Peter to even function properly, it was at the point that he found himself waking up in random places after accidentally falling asleep.

Like the library, or in the car when Happy came to pick him up; who ended up driving an extra couple times around the block just to let the kid sleep some more.

Peter had even almost fell asleep on patrol until a squirrel ran out from behind a trash can, scaring the life out of him. That kept him up for a while.

Now Peter wasn't the only one who saw what he was doing wasn't healthy, Tony had picked up on it as well. The billionaire had noticed the lack of science puns and random bursts of singing that happened in the lab.

Not to mention Peter had bearly asked if they could go in the lab, it was like all of the fun and energy had disappeared from the tower just because of one little spider boy.

Tony had tried to help him, offering to help with his mounds of work that was still piling up, which Peter wouldn't allow because it was 'cheating'.

He'd offered countless movie nights and Tony only confirmed his theory that Peter wasn't doing okay when the boy had turned down the opportunity to binge watch all the starwars movies.

Which was something everyone knew an okay Peter would not do.

Tony couldn't bare to watch him burn himself out like this anymore, it was beyond worrying, but Peter was being stubborn about it, stubborn to the point he was flat out ignoring them, so he'd have to try harder than usual

Peter Parker one shots (✨edited✨)Where stories live. Discover now