Christmas suprise

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The avengers were confused when they woke up to say the least. They never really fussed about at Christmas, they were far too busy to bother with any of it.

Other then the few cards and vary minimal decorations that were put up around the tower they didn't really do anything special with it.

So when Steve had walked into the common room to get a coffee on Christmas day he was confused to see a tree up in the corner with presents scattered around it.

He had examined it for a little while, reading the labels on the gifts and they were indeed addressed to all of them. Steve took a seat on the couch, coffee in hand to confusedly wait for the others.

Eventually everyone else had made there way in, one after the other and each of them had almost the same reaction, not to mention all of them had denied setting this up.

"Friday, when did this happen?" Tony questioned with his hands on his hips, looking the tree up and down.

"Mister Parker showed up at 4:33 A.M. sir, he also wished you all a merry Christmas."

Tony rolled his eyes, of course this would have been Peter, he soon smiled after though, watching as Clint dug through the gifts. He picked one out, quickly reading the label then giving it a curious shake.

"Nat," he called out, tossing the gift to her. She caught it, studying the red wrapping paper before carefully opening it.

There was a little note in the box she had just opened  and she unfolded it before reading it.

'From one spider to another :)'

She placed the note to the side, lifting up the little velvet cover to the box and hidden beneath it was a necklace, it was undoubtedly a black widow spider hanging off the chain but the abdomen to it was a red jewel instead of a continuing silver.

She smiled down at it before lifting it up to show off to the others.

Steve smiled at the charm, gently taking it in his hands to admire it while Clint retrieved another present.

"This one's yours Bruce," Clint called throwing a green box towards him. Bruce just barely managed to catch the present and by now everyone had gathered around to take a seat.

Bruce opened up his present and again there was a little note above the gift, he read over it and grinned before lifting up the stress ball beneath it.

'This could help you keep calm, just throw it at whoever's annoying you and you'll feel much better'

Bucky got hair products with a note that read

'Gotta keep them locks tamed'

Wanda got one of those kids magic sets with a note that read

'Your magic is cool and all but maybe you could learn some real magic'

Clint got a brand new target with a note that read

'You say you never miss but you've yet to hit me, work on your aim Katniss'

Steve got a frisbee with a note that read

'If you wanted a frisbee you could have just asked instead of throwing around a multi million dollar shield'

And finally after everyone had had their own little laugh about what they had gotten, Tony was finally handed his own present and the man carefully opened up the gift.

He smiled down at the framed picture in his hand, it was a photo him and Peter had taken when Peter had gotten his 'internship' finalised, the man snorted once he realised that not only had they both simultaneously put their hands up behind each others heads.

But that the certificate they were holding was also upside down.

Tony placed the framed photo down on the counter, tapping his pockets to make sure he had his phone and wallet on him as he walked towards the elevator.

"Where are you going?" Clint called taking a quick look at the photo before watching Tony step into the elevator

"I'm going to go spoil my kid."

There was the loud sound of people scrambling to get up and soon almost everyone was squeezed into the elevator as well, apart from Steve and Natasha who had gone to get dressed.

But they would soon also catch up to the others to go on a spending spree so that they could surprise Peter when he eventually came over later.


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