Fathers day breakfast

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The little 6 year old snuck out of his room quietly, his stuffed monkey held in his hand as he made a break for the kitchen, his socked feet padding down the halls.

It was Father's Day and Peter wanted to do something for his dad so he was trying to make him breakfast.

Peter shuffled into the kitchen, it was still dark outside, he wanted to surprise Tony, so he had to get up before him.

"Friday? Lights?" Peter whispered quietly holding his stuffed monkey close to him, soon enough the lights turned on and Peter had to blink a few times to get used to it.

He looked around the kitchen, he was planning to make pancakes and maybe bacon, because who didn't like bacon.

Peter placed his monkey on the kitchen counter, propping him up so that he would be able to watch, he turned around making his way to the fridge and pulling it open.

The little boy grabbed out the milk putting it on the floor for a second as he stood back up standing on his tippy toes reaching for the eggs.

A small oops leaving his mouth when a few eggs fell On the floor, he'd clean that up later.

Peter then went off to find the flour rummaging through the cabinets before finding it, he grabbed a bowl from the cabinet next to him sitting himself on the floor.

He cracked some of the eggs into the bowl a tad bit of shell going in but it was okay, he pored some milk in next getting up quickly to grab a spoon.

He sat back down mixing it together then adding the flour, the powder going everywhere and Peter couldn't help but laugh at it.


The pancakes were done finally, after Friday warned him countless times on how hot the stove was.

They were a little burnt but it was okay, there was only one thing missing now and that was a drink, he ran back to the fridge grabbing the orange juice pouring it in a glass he had retrieved earlier.

A little bit of it went over the counter but he would clean it up later with the rest of the mess, he placed the pancakes and drink on a tray, smiling to himself.

Peter carefully made his way down the halls to Tony's room, waiting for Friday to open the door, trying not to drop the food

"Dad?" Peter called quietly when the door opened, he could see Tony spayed out in the bed, the covers half on half off, his face pressed down into the mattress from the fact all the pillows had been moved around

"Daddy?" The boy called again a little louder walking up to the side of the bed, Friday had turned the lights on for him but Tony still didn't stir, loudly snoring into the bed, Peter huffed putting the tray on the bedside table before turning to poke at his dads arm.

Tony groaned turning over to face Peter but his eyes were still closed. "Dad wake up," Peter whined, it was always hard to wake Tony up in the morning. Finally Tony stretched his body out, cracking his eyes open.

"Peter?" He mumbled pushing himself up from the bed rubbing his eyes, gradually bringing himself to look over at the alarm clock next to him.

"It's 7 in the morning kiddo, why are you awake?"

Peter grinned widely, excitedly turning to grab the tray holding it out to Tony almost tipping over the orange juice over in the process "I made you breakfast! Happy Father's Day," Tony looked up at him, blinking his eyes a few more times before looking back to the food, a grin tugging at his lips as he started to wake up more. "Really?" He reached out taking the tray from Peter.

Tony shifted himself around to sit up, looking down at the food grabbing a fork cutting off a bit of pancake and biting into it getting a sudden crunch.

"Oh, I kinda messed up with the eggs," Peter said quietly an apologetic smile on his face. Tony didn't care though, he just smiled at the fact Peter had gotten up and made him breakfast.

"Is it okay?" Peter asked slightly worried, scared he may have done an awful job, Tony quickly shook his head watching his sons face fall.

"It's amazing kid, thank you." he put the tray down pulling Peter into a hug. Peter smiled hugging Tony back, he'd just tell him about the mess later.


Previous word count: 667
Current word count: 768

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