She's gone

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Peter had no idea what was happening, one minute he was sat by May, her heart monitor beeping at a normal pace, and the next all he could hear was one long beep.

He didn't really have time to comprehend what was going on because he was being shoved out of the way by doctors that had come rushing into the room

No matter how many questions he asked none of them were answered, panic settled deep within his stomach, it was only made worse when nurses tried to get him to leave the room but he couldn't move, he just stood frozen.

"May?" Peter spoke out his voice just above a whisper, people were ushering around her grabbing things and moving her about, shouting orders to each other.

"May?" Peter spoke out again, louder than before, one foot stepping forward, his eyes bubbling when he saw a man take out a defibrillator.

Peter flinched when Mays body jumped as the man placed it to her chest, there were hands on his shoulders still trying to pull him out the room but the nurses words fell death to ears.

He stood frozen, completely quiet, May wasn't responding to anything, she hadn't responded to anything in almost a month but that didn't stop him from sitting by her side.

Peter watched, his heart thumping in his chest, he didn't know how long he stood there, how long he held his breath, but soon Everyone ceased their movements.

Peter eyes looked up to one of the doctors, the mans face showed nothing but pity.

"No..." Peter chuckled anxiously, an uneasy smile forming on his face but it quickly fell when the man placed the defibrillator down.

"No." He said more firmly shaking his head. attempting to take a step towards May but a firm hand on his shoulder held him back. The young boy turned to see a security guard, Peter backed away from him quickly pushing the mans hand off him.


He turned back to the doctor his eyes flipping from him then back to May, his chest gradually beginning to rise quicker, his heart picking up its pace.

"We're so sorry," Peter shook his head, the tears previously gathering in his eyes spilling out and down his face as he took another step away from the security guard.

"No, no she can't—" he panicked walking up to the side of Mays bed, ignoring the words from the doctors. "May, May please, this isn't funny," Peter whispered to her, feeling small and scared with the amount of strangers staring at him.

The security guard stepped forward as Peter clasped his hand over the top of Mays, the older man had grabbed Peter shoulder, attempting to pull him away again. "Sir-" the man attempted but Peter shoved him away, maybe a little too hard because the much larger man stumbled slightly, knocking into a medical trey and tipping it over.

Peter stared at the man fearfully, he hadn't meant to be so harsh, "I— I didn't-" Peter felt like he couldn't breathe, it felt like he couldn't think. The boy turned back to May, holding onto her again.

"You can't, May please." Peter pleaded to her his frustration growing with the amount of people trying to get him away, he just wanted May to answer him, he just wanted it to go back to the way it was before.

This time when someone grabbed him it was much less gently, the pull caught Peter off guard and he stumbled back, he hand being torn from Mays.

Peters mind was blown into a panic, the loss of contact sending him spiralling. He shook his head going to push the man off him again but another pair of arms wrapped around his other arm.

"Stop!" Peter had yelled, his hands shaking, people kept talking to him but he couldn't listen, all his senses where going crazy as he struggled against the guards.

Peter Parker one shots (✨edited✨)Where stories live. Discover now