She's not waking up

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Peter was sat in science, sketching down new designs for his suit while him and Ned talked about a new Lego set Ned had brought, the lesson was still far from over and Peter couldn't wait to leave.

"So, do you want to come over and build it with me?" Ned asked while holding a test tube over the bunsen burner, watching the liquid as it bubbled slightly.

"I would, but me and Mister Stark are designing a new suit tonight, it's gonna be awesome," Peter smiled excitedly, adding the left over details to his drawing, it all had to be perfect.

"Could Peter Parker please come to my office, bring your things with you."

Peter turned his head up when he heard the announcement, turning to Ned confused as he tried to think of anything he could have done wrong and the more he thought about it the more things he could think of.

He pulled his goggles off placing them down on the table as he grabbed his things. "I'll talk to you later okay?" Ned said as Peter rose from his chair, he gave his friend a quick smile before he turned to leave the room.

Peter held on tightly to the straps of his bag, he kept thinking about all the things he could have done wrong as he walked, he had skipped a bunch of classes due to Spider-Man related issues.

He had actually hit Flash back the other day as well after he said some not so nice things about his aunt, Peter had shocked himself when that happened but he was happy he at least managed to control his strength.

When Peter finally got to the head office he knocked on the door, there was an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach and the suspense from the situation wasn't helping at all. There was a call from inside the room and Peter pushed the door open, shuffling in awkwardly.

His bad feeling didn't get any better when he saw who was in the room. Mrs Higgins was sat at her desk but beside her was a police officer, and beside him was a lady dressed very smartly holding a binder of some sorts.

Peter gulped as he stepped in further, what had he done to get the police involved? Did they know he was Spider-Man?

"You... called for me?" Peter said nervously, all three adults were all looking at him, a weird sort of sympathetic look on their faces that Peter couldn't quite understand.

"Why don't you have a seat Peter." Mrs Higgins said to him and Peter hesitantly sat down, nervously looking back and forth between her and the police officer, this really couldn't be good.

"Am I in trouble?" Peter asked quickly, the suspense was eating him alive, but the suspense soon turned to uncertainty when they all looked at him in a weird sympathetic way.

"You're not in trouble Peter." Mrs Higgins said a sad look in her eyes, Peter relaxed a little bit but was still trying to think of why he was here, and why a police officer was here.

The lady stayed quiet for a little while longer before she decided to speak up, "Peter I'm so very sorry," she spoke gently and Peters confusion grew again and he shifted anxiously in his seat

"It's your aunt Peter-" Mrs Higgins didn't even have time to finish her sentence before Peter was quickly rising from his seat in a panic. "Is she okay? Did something happen? Does she need me—" Peter went on a ramble.

"Peter." The head teacher said softly. "Please sit back down."

Peter slowly did as he was told, his mind was now racing, trying to yet again think of everything at once, his stomach sinking into an uncomfortable twisted feeling.

"Peter." This time it was the officer speaking, he took a step forward, hat held In his hand, "Your aunt was caught between a shooting this morning on her way to work—" whatever the man said next didn't matter because Peter was long gone.

Peter Parker one shots (✨edited✨)Where stories live. Discover now