Pete's a sleepwalker - part 2

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Tony was in his lab, working himself to the bone, he hadn't been out in a while, he had barely spoken to anyone in days.

He had the occasional person come down to try and check on him, it mostly consisted of Natasha and Peter.

Tony had gotten himself back into a bad state of mind, where working was he only thing that seemed important to him, it was all he wanted to do. So he sat quietly in his lab working on projects he had previously left abandoned, listing to music in the background, it wasn't until his music stopped that he finally looked up.

"Sir?" Fridays voice rang out from the ceiling, Tony groaned, getting annoyed at the A.I that kept reminding him he needed to sleep and eat.

"Not now Friday," although it felt childish Tony rolled his eyes leaning back in his chair and lifting his feet up onto the desk reaching for his coffee and taking another sip.

"I'm sorry sir, But Peter is wandering the halls. You programmed me to inform you whenever Peter started sleepwalking"

Tony took his feet down placing his cup on the side, looking towards the clock, not realising how late it had gotten, he hadn't even said goodnight to anyone.

"Where is he?" Tony mumbled rubbing his eyes the sudden realisation of the time making him tired, he placed the tools he was using back in their case standing up from the chair

"He's outside the lab sir."

Tony shook his head ordering Friday to unlock the door, watching them slide open, and just like Friday said there stood Peter, a loose Adidas shirt clinging to him, with slightly dirty joggers on.

"Hey Petey," Tony Stretched rubbing his eyes, taking a few steps over to the teen, Peter stood the way he usually did, not really acknowledging anything, just swaying.

"You ready to go back to bed?" Tony spoke quietly reaching to take Peters shoulders to gently turn him around but Peter didn't follow the way he usually did.


Peters eyes scrunched closed tighter his own hand coming up to hold Tony's wrist. Tony was only a little bit worried, purely because Peter never seemed to have any control over his strength when he was sleep walking and the man didn't feel like getting his wrist crushed.

But Peter was gentle, seeming confused at the feeling of someone else.

"Find..." Peters voice was small, slurred slightly, he had only spoken a few times during sleepwalking and most times it didn't make sense at all.

"Find? You gotta find something?" Tony questioned, Peter dragged his head around, humming, Tony assumed it was a yes. There was a few moments of silence before Peter spoke again.

"M' ter stark..." Peter spoke again and Tony was taken aback for a second, Peter had never recognised anyone during sleepwalking,

Tony responded with a yes but Peter didn't say anything, he just kept turning his head to look around. His eyes cracked open but not taking anything in.

"Find.." he mumbled again his grip getting slightly tighter on Tony's wrist, Tony's eyes squinted with confusion and he though about what Peter was saying a bit more.

"You want to find Mister Stark?" Tony asked instead, cringing at the name he had just addressed himself as, it always made him feel old.

Peter finally loosened up, seeming happy with the fact someone finally understood what he was asking and Tony smiled slightly, taking peters other shoulder turning him to the door again.

"I'm right here kid, now let's go back to bed."

Tony led Peter out of the lab, the doors closing behind them they did their usual route to the elevator and back to Peters room.

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