Petes a sleep walker

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Tony groaned stretching out his arms, his fingers cramping up and his back growing stiff, he'd been working with Peter on his web shooters but the boy had gone to sleep about two hours ago.

And Tony being as persistent as he was, wanted to finish them by tonight. The webs kept jamming the opening causing the whole contraption to not work.

Which wasn't the best especially when Peter was fighting, It was a good thing that they had noticed then and not when he was swinging across the city.

The sounds of the lab doors opening brought Tony out of his thoughts, he turned to see Peter standing in the doorway, the boys hair was ruffled and his hello kitty pjs loosely clung to his body.

"Hey Kiddo," Tony sighed Turing back to the web shooters on his desk, putting all the little bits a pieces in little containers so he wouldn't misplace them. "You okay? Need something." The man asked closing the containers

Tony turned back to Peter after receiving no reply, his brows knitting together as he stared at the boy "Peter?" He asked again not even getting a nod in his direction.

The kid just stood there his eyes mostly closed and his hands swinging gently by his side, now Tony was feeling slightly worried, he stood up from his chair making his way over to the motionless boy.

He went to lay a hand on Peters shoulder when Friday spoke up making him jump slightly. "I wouldn't do that sir," Tony looked up confused at the ceiling before looking back to Peter.

"Why? What's going on, what's wrong with him."

"Mr Parker seems to be sleepwalking sir," The A.I responded, Tony looked Peter up and down, the boy didn't even seem to acknowledge he was there.

"What do I- what should I do?" Tony jumped slightly when Peter moved to walk around him heading over to his workbench, the man quickly followed after making sure the boy didn't break anything or hurt himself.

"I would recommend leading him back to bed, refrain from waking him up, it could cause him to be alarmed and in a panicked state"

Tony looked at Peter again, muttering a small 'okay'. He'd never delt with a sleepwalker before so he had no idea what he was doing.

"Hey kid, I think you're in the wrong place," Tony said quietly, trying to take the wrench that Peter had just picked up but the boy didn't seem like he was planing on letting it go.

"You want to go back to bed Pete?" Peters body turned towards Tony's, his head lifting up slightly, his eyes unfocusedly staring at the man. "You understand that? You wanna go back to bed?" Tony asked instinctively lifting a hand behind the boy when he swayed slightly.

Peter turned in his place wobbling as he walked back over to the lab doors and Tony quickly stepped forward following him as he walked out

Tony couldn't help but shake his head when he realised the boy still had the wrench in his hand, he reached for it again trying to take it but Peters arm just came with him.

The man sighed letting go, he'd just get it in the morning, that would be a fun thing to try and explain when the morning came around.

Peter walked slowly, his feet shuffling along the floor, Tony's hands prepared to catch him whenever he swayed but Peter always managed to catch himself

When they got to Peters room Peter seemed to be on auto pilot, moving towards his bed, able to avoid all the books and clothes scattered on the floor.

The boy sloppily dragged himself back into his bed, leaving Tony to stand there slightly amazed.

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