Lost little spider

433 8 17

These are getting so hard to actually re-write that's how terrible they were 💀

Also TW❗️attempted kidnapping and also an absolute weirdo, can't spoil it tho.


Peter was a little scared, one minute he had been holding onto his dads jacket, gently hanging off of it as they walked through Disney land, and the next minute he wasn't.

Tony had been talking to one of his security guards when Peter spotted a man selling balloons and he just so happened to see a captain America balloon in the mists of colours

He hadn't meant to wander off but the man had started to walk away, so while no one was looking Peter slipped past all of there security guards, chasing after the man with the balloon of his uncle.

But when Peter realised he actually needed money to get the balloon he frowned turning around to head back to his dad in hopes he could get the balloon for him, but when Peter had turned to look for him, Tony wasn't there.

Peter started walking in the direction he thought he had come from but he still couldn't see Tony, he turn around heading another direction, trying to look for the security guards in there matching black suits but he still couldn't see a thing

The panic was finally starting to set in and Peter looked around hurriedly holding his brown bear tighter to himself, his little feet padding against the ground as he ran to look for his dad in another direction.


"What do you mean you didn't see!?" Tony yelled in anger, walking faster, his head frantically turning to look in every direction, the security guard next to him kept his head down, trying to avoid the man's rage.

"Peter!" He yelled, not even bothering to stay in his safety bubble of men, shoving past as many people to get through, he couldn't find him, Peter had just been here holding onto his jacket and now he couldn't find him.

Tony asked as many people as he could walking past, giving the same description every time, a young boy with brown curly hair, wearing an Ironman hoodie with a brown bear, and he held his hand up for reference to Peters hight

But no one had seen him, almost everyone responding with an apology and that they would keep an eye out, most of them just excited over the fact that Tony stark was talking to them.

And while Tony continued in his frantic state of searching for his son, Peter was experiencing his own little frantic mess.


"Daddy!" Peter yelled once again he held his bear close to him, he didn't bother trying to stop the tears that were running down his face, he had been shoved to the ground in a rush of people and scraped his knee.

His legs were hurting from how much he had been running around now, a few people trying to talk to him but he was too scared to answer and just ran away, he didn't want anyone other than his dad.

While Peter was running through a crowd of people, thinking he had seen Tony for a second, he bumped into someone, their large body easily knocking him to the ground.

"Hey! Watch— Oh.." The angry man had looked down at Peter, but his anger quickly subsided when he saw who had actually bumped into him, Peter stared up at the man, too scared to say anything.

"Are you okay?" The man said taking it upon himself to grab peter under his arms, lifting him to his feet, Peter just stared at the stranger holding on tightly to his bear.

"Are you lost?" The man continued, crouching down to Peters height, watching the boy look away from him, nervously fiddling with the fur on his stuffed bear.

Peter Parker one shots (✨edited✨)Where stories live. Discover now