Hydra messed with the wrong kid - part 3

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A/N: I apologise for how far away this is from the others you may have to re read the other parts to remind yourself of what's happened.

I'm planning on moving all the finished multi chapter oneshots together with there other chapters so there not too far apart so if it looks like they have disappeared I promise you they haven't!


"You wanted me—" Peter stated as he pushed the door open, he was looking down trying to fit his phone into his pocket. Yet to lift his head to realise the atmosphere of the room but when he did he stopped dead in his tracks.

Everyone was looking up at him, nobody moved and Peters eyes furrowed in confusion, he looked down at himself, checking to see if anything was out of place.

"What?" He asked looking back up, nothing looked wrong, But they continued to stare like Peter had a second head. Maybe it was his hair-

"Hold him still!"

Peter flinched back uncontrollably, his body moving on its own accord. He took a fast step back before he froze, finding himself unable to breathe in, his hands had curled into fists so tightly that his nails almost broke the skin of his palm.

His eyes slowly past everyone at the table until they reached the screen, he tried to swallow, to get his lungs to work but they wouldn't as he stared at the familiar scene in front of him.

The familiar table, the familiar tools, the familiar restraints that he could now feel tightening around his wrists, holding him still. Keeping him down.


Clint had now started frantically trying to close the window, clicking the mouse repeatedly until every window and every document had disappeared from the screen and once they had he slammed the laptop shut.

Nobody had moved as they looked back to Peter, his fists were still clenched, his eyes were hazy and brimmed with tears as he looked back and forth between them all, he looked terrified, barely able to grasp the situation

Tony took it upon himself to stand up first, pushing the chair out quite quickly as he rose, Peter flinched at the sound his eyes snapping towards Tony as most of the others also got up from there places.

"Peter—" Tony attempted to step towards him, he didn't know what to say, he didn't know how to help at all. Bucky had also made his way around the table, recognising the frozen stance, he went to stop Tony from touching Peter but before anyone could do anything Peter had backed up and slammed the door shut.

Tony cursed to himself and hurried to follow him, pulling the door open shouting out Peters name as he rushed after him down the hall. The others gradually followed after him other than Clint and Bruce who were trying to get rid of everything that was spread out on the table.

Peter ran as fast as he could down the halls, weaving around the corners, he was almost at his room when he suddenly crashed into a stray one of Tonys robots sending him tumbling forward

His head knocked hard against the ground leaving him stunned for a second, his chest heaved up and down, he would have taken a few more seconds to recover from his dizzy state if he couldn't hear the pounding of feet growing closer.

"Peter, Peter it's okay!"

Peter pushed himself off the floor, ignoring the shouts and the mass dizziness he felt, scrambling to get away as fast as he could, picking up the pace once again.

He finally made it to his room, the door sliding open far to slow for his liking and instead of waiting he slid through the gap, falling back into his room.

Peter Parker one shots (✨edited✨)Where stories live. Discover now