Cuddles - part 2

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Peter scrunched up his nose, squeezing his eyes shut more, his previous asleep self waking up as something moved around him.

"Shh, shh," there was a quiet hum above him, fingers twirling around in his hair, almost lulling him back to sleep.

A yawn drew itself from Peters mouth, and his legs stretched out from the tangle of sheets they were in.

He sniffled slightly, tightening his arms around the pillow he was currently laying on, attempting to turn and push his face into the soft material but it felt a lot more solid than he remembered.

There was a soft chuckle above him and his 'pillow' rose and fell in sync with the gentle noise.

Peter's eyebrows tugged together as he lifted his head up, pulling his eyes open as far as they would allow, just barely recognising blue eyes through his lashes.

He hummed moving himself forward slightly, pulling his arms from where they were previously trapped and wrapping them around blue eyes neck, letting his head fall back down hiding away his face in the crook of his neck.

"Good morning to you too," Wade smiled, lifting his own hand to rest on Peters back, dragging his fingers up and down slowly.

There was a tired groan from Peter, his small puffs of air tickling Wades neck, but Wade didn't mind

"No..." he mumbled tiredly, morning meant he had to get up, and he was far too comfortable to get up right now.

"You're still tired?" Wade laughed, wrapping both arms around Peter, holding him tight to his chest.

"Mhm," Peter hummed, fully preparing to fall back asleep, he could already feel himself sinking again, slipping into the sweet drowsy headspace of sleep he so deeply needed.

"Well you've only been asleep for 17 hours so I guess—"

Peters eyes had never opened so quickly as he pushed himself up, his arms almost giving out on the soft mattress.


Wade didn't seem fazed by his reaction and just smiled, lifting his hand up to bush away a clump of sleeping dust from Peters eye.

"This not that long," he grinned, seeing Peter in a tired jumbled haze was always a sight to see, his eyes still slightly puffy from sleep, a small remaining bit a drool by the corner of his mouth and not to mention his bed head.

"Jesus what time is it?" Peter hurried to try pull the blankets off himself, attempting to lean over and grab his phone, but arms wrapped around his waist and Wade rolled them both over onto there side.

There was a soft groan from Peter when he realised that Wade was not letting him up anytime soon, no matter how much he wriggled to get free.

"What's the rush?"

Peter sighed, letting his head fall into Wades chest, his shoulders sagging, he didn't actually know what the rush was, maybe it was all the work he had to do, or maybe it was because he needed to go on patrol.

It just felt like if he wasn't doing something like work or saving people, everyone would think he was getting lazy, that he wasn't trying hard enough.

"It's a Sunday baby, we don't have to do anything" Wade hummed, once again running his hand up and down Peters back, feeling his baby boy relax back into his arms

Peter thought about it for a moment, his body was already giving him his answer, his shoulders un-tensing, his eyes feeling heavy once again.

He shuffled himself closer to Wade, too tired to care anymore, letting the elder pull the covers over them again, feeling the gentle touch of fingers dancing on his back.

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