Chapter One: Engagement Party.

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It's dark; sky a deep shade of grey. Fire everywhere. I don't know where I am or what is going on. Roars and screams are heard all around me. People frantically running around trying to escape; but why?

"We need to get her to a safe place, NOW," someone shouts near me; a male voice.

"I know," a woman's voice replied.

The last thing I remember was being put in a basket and placed in a dark place. The next thing I new, it was quiet. I peak my head up and see I am in an alleyway? I don't know where I am or how I got here; but I got up on my two little feet and started towards the light.

As I was getting closer to the end of the alleyway, I heard people; a lot of people; speed walking past the streets. These people are not like the ones I've seen. The men are dressed in all plain colours such as brown, grey, white and black. As for the women, who wear dresses; not interesting ones though, just plain blues, creamy browns etcetera.

I walk out not knowing anything about this place. People gave me odd looks as they passed; could it be because of my white hair... or lilac eyes... or perhaps what I'm wearing! But alas I start walking in one direction, not sure of what I should do. I just keep walking on, hoping to spot a familiar face.

"Oh dear," I heard a voice filled with shock. I turn to see a women looking at me warily, and a man who just realised my presence and now has a look of worry that crossed his features. There was also a little girl, about my age looking at me with curious eyes.

"Where are you parents little girl," the man addressed me cautiously. I shook my head. "You don't know?" He asked, I nodded.

"Well not to worry, we'll help you find them," the women spoke politely. She carefully took my hand and started walking up to some people.

"Um excuse me, but is this your child?" She kept asking nearly everyone on the walkway. As to they replied with 'no' and a shake of their head.

"Can she just come stay with us?" The girl my age asked her parents expectingly. The two adults gave each other a look, then slowly nodded.

"We're the Kingsley's, this is Charles," the women started introducing them, gesturing to Mr. Kingsley. "I'm Helen, and this is Alice," Mrs. Kingsley continued. I just smiled a little, not sure what I should say.

"What's your name sweetie?" Mrs. Kingsley asked kindly.

"Annalise," I replied shortly after, my voice very quiet I'm not even sure they heard.

"Well Annalise, it's nice to meet you. Do come," Mr. Kingsley said grabbing his daughters hand and started walking the way they were going; opposite from the way I was going. Mrs. Kingsley gently grabbed my hand and also started walking behind Mr. Kingsley and Alice.

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That's how I remember ending up with the Kingsley's. I told the first part of the story to Alice, she's the only one I know who will believe me. Growing up with the Kingsley's have been, tough; learning how to be a lady. How I dress and act was known as unexepytable. Alice, my best friend, my sister, was the only one who appreciated my style.

Sometimes, I think Alice and I are more alike than anyone else in this world. We both have an extraordinary imagination. The dreams she tells me about are just as mad as my consciousness.

A smiling cat known as 'Chess', rabbits who wear clothes and has a pocket watch, two twins known as 'Tweedledee' and 'Tweedlebumb', a 'White Queen', and a 'Red Queen', a small mouse with a sword, 'Mally', a mad hatter, a blue caterpillar known as 'Absolem', and soo many other odd things... and the best part, they all speak!

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