Chapter Two: Rabbit Whole.

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But... something seems soo familiar. I feel like... without any further thoughts, I push Alice in the rabbit whole and jump in after her.

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We're now falling, falling deep into the rabbit whole. It wasn't like a normal rabbit whole. This one was big enough to fit a lot of strange objects in it, including two human beings. Those being Alice and I. It was dark, but there was enough light that we could see around us.

"Why'd you push me?" I heard Alice scream.

"I'm sorry, it was just instinct," I yell back.

We just kept falling, falling past odd things you'd not normally find in a rabbit whole. Soon we broke though some books... I think and kept falling. The lighting changed from a dark blue to a golden brown colour.

I see Alice trying to grab things to stop her from falling; it didn't work. There was a whole piano that came falling with us and playing on its own; I flinched as I thought it would crash into us, but it didn't.

We kept falling, it felt like we were falling forever, until we broke though the ceiling and landed on the floor; at least that's what I thought until both Alice and I sat up only to see the room was upside down... or were we the ones upside down?

My question was answered when I realised my hair was hanging, I look over at Alice and see hers is too. Soon gravity does it's thing and we fall the right way... I think.

"Well there's something you don't experience everyday," I try to joke, only receiving a glare from Alice.

"I don't know why you're joking, this isn't funny," she states. "Where are we?" She asked.

"I don't know, but it seems so-

"Familiar?" She finished for me, I nod. "Look for a way out, try all the doors," she told me, so we went and tried opening all the doors. "Argh, they're all locked," she grunted in frustration.

"Look Alice," I started staring at a small door. "That one might work," I try not to laugh.

"That's impossible, we won't fit through that one," she said, her voice laced with annoyance.

I ignore her and look on the table. "Ooh, a key. Alice, try this," I say picking up the key and handing it to her. She tries it on every door; no luck. She grunted as she looked at the small door.

She ended up giving it a go, and to our shock; it worked. She tried to climb through, which made me giggle as she just told me that we won't fit through. She turned to me with a 'this isn't funny' look.

The door closed, and she got up and stood near me beside the table, she saw something. Picked it up; it was a small vial of liquid, a tag was on it 'drink me', it said, so Alice took a small sip; not knowing what it is.

"It's only a dream," she whispered. Does she seriously think this is all a dream?

I watch as she shrinks out of her dress, I panic not knowing what to expect. I see movement from her dress and out pops a very small Alice.

"So this shrinks you," I said picking up the vial, not even thinking and taking a sip myself. It's very weird watching yourself grow smaller rather than larger.

I pop from out of my now too big dress. "Hi Alice," I say sort of enthusiastically, she looks at me and can't contain her laughter; finally she's not all stressed about this. I spoke too soon as she suddenly stops laughing and runs to the door and try's to open it.

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