Chapter Four: Hare and Hatter.

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"The hare and the hatter?" I asked in a whisper. "This just gets odd and odder," I continued not receiving a response.


The smiling cat reappeared on top of a small hill. "Coming?" He asked, I don't understand why, but I trust the cat, enough to follow him at least; Alice comes along as well, hesitantly.

We soon came to a clearing. It was still dark, not too dark; they sky was gloomy and there was fog surrounding us. We came across a long table with chairs; taking a closer look, it looks like a tea party.

I see a hare, just waking up from a nap. The aggressive small mouse we saw earlier came out of a tea-pot, and at the end of the long table was a man; the most human thing I've seen in this world so far. He had a top-hat on, and vibrant orange curly hair.

He slowly looked up and spotted us, he got up slowly and then stood up on the table; walking along it, not caring what he steps on or breaks in the process.

He hopped off the table and bent down to Alice and I.

"It's you," he addressed Alice happily.

"No it's not, that twist brought us the wrong Alice," the mouse exclaimed again rather annoyed.

"It's the wrong Alice," piped in the hare, he spoke in a crazy sort of way.

"It's absolutely Alice, you're absolutely Alice I'd know you anywhere," the Hatter spoke in a rush. "I'd know him anywhere," he said turning back to his friends. Him? I thought, and had to bite back a laugh.

The hare and mouse started laughing, probably at what the Hatter said.

"And, I don't mean to be rude or anything but... who might you be?" He asked addressing me.

"She's no good, I don't know why she's here. Her names Anne or something," the mouse answered before I could speak.

"Uh, it's Annalise," I corrected. "But most call me 'Anna' here," I continued, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the attention of the rather handsome Hatter. The Hatter looked at me, taking in my features and squinted his eyes, then opened them abruptly; like he just had a moment of realisation.

"Well, Anna, it's nice to meet you. Do join us for tea," he said taking both Alice and my hand and leading us back to the head of the table; by walking on the table.

He said something about time and return, then said "you're late you know, naughty."

He talks too quickly that I didn't even catch half that sentence.

The smiling cat appeared out of no were, scaring the hare, whom was pouring tea into a broken teacup.

The chair was a bit big, so Alice and I shared one. While Alice and the Hatter were talking about 'time' I looked around my surroundings. This is a rather odd place; but I like it.

-and we need to get onto the Frabjous day," the Hatter exclaimed. That word 'Frabjous' brought me back to the conversation.

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