Chapter Seven: Anna & Hatter.

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He looked down for a split second and saw me, we made eye contact. He made a gesture with his head to go to him, so I did; hoping not to be spotted.

Hatter swiftly but quickly bent down and picked me up; pocketed me as he continued effortlessly.

"Hatter," Alice made to calm him down without giving anything away.

"Thanks," he mumbled.

"Leave us," I heard the red head say.


The red knights lead Hatter to a room to work in, they chained his foot so he can't escape and also so then he can use his hands to work.

Once the red knights left, he lifted me out of his pocket and placed me on his working table.

"What are the two of you doing here?" Asked Hatter, a worried look in his eyes.

"Rescuing you, of course," I answered, watching as he starts fussing around with fabrics and measuring tapes.

"Well then, how kind of you. But you, Alice, should be preparing for Frabjous day," he rushed out as he started sewing.

"You know as well as I do, that Alice doesn't want to slay the Jabberwocky... she thinks all this is just a dream! I shouldn't even be here," I ranted.

He stopped all of a sudden, looked down at me for a moment; he sighed as he continued making hats at an extremely high speed.

"Who said you shouldn't be here?" He asked.


"They don't remember," he whispered to himself but I heard.

"Remember what?" I asked, curious.

"N-nothing, ignore me. Now where's that needle! Ah! There it is. Hmmhmmhmmhmm," Hatter stuttered, fussing around even more now; frantically looking around the room, at anything but me.

"No, Hatter... seriously, you can tell me," I reassured him, hoping he'd tell me what they don't remember...

Hatter let out a long sigh, and slowly turned to finally look at me.

"It was on Horovendoush day... when... the jabberwocky attacked. It started of clear skies, everyone dancing around, laughing, singing, enjoying themselves. I was standing by the White Queen, her husband and their... baby... barely three. Everything was fine... until it wasn't, everything went dark. It was my job to lead the Queen away from the madness," he started the story, chuckled at 'madness'.

"Damon Saphira; a knight for the White Queen, he's also her husband, followed of course. He yelled, to get y- their daughter to safety. So I... so I-

He trailed off looking into the distance.

"Hatter?" I tried after a moment. "HATTER!" I said louder gaining his attention.

"Yes," he breathed out.

"You were saying?" I asked, intrigued by his story, but felt a little bad it's bringing back memories.

"Yes I, um... I led the three of them to a tree, where we met White Rabbit, he had a basket... they placed A- their daughter in the basket and, well they kissed her head and lowered the basket in the deep whole by the tree... sending her to a safe place, sending her away," he finished, a glint of sadness in his eyes.

"Hatter?" I asked. "What does this story have to do with me?" I asked, causing him to look away, muttering something under his breath.

"N-nothing luv... it's just a story. Something that happened that day that... stuck," he explained distantly. "Don't let anyone tell you that you shan't be here, you're here for a reason," he suddenly said, looking at me again then quickly going back to his work; leaving me confused.


"I see trees of green, red roses too... I see them bloom, for me and you... and I think to myself, what a wonderful world. I see skies of blue, and clouds of white... the bright blessed days, dark sacred nights. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." Sang a woman's soft elegant voice.

"The colours of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky... are also on the faces, of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, sayin' how do you do... they're really sayin', I love you. I hear babies cry, I watch them grow... they'll learn much more, than I'll ever know. And I think to myself, what a wonderful world." Came another voice, but this time it belonged to a man; he sang softly as well.

"Yes, I think to myself... what a wonderful world," they sang in unison.


I woke with a start as the song kept repeating in my head, over and over. Who where they? Why were they singing? Was this a memory, or just another dream?

So many questions; unanswered questions.

I slowly get up, to find Hatter still working; by now he has made an incredible amount of hats of different styles and colours; he's so creative, but how can he work so fast?

Another question.

"Hatter," I address him.

"Yes, little one," he replied not looking up.

"How long was I asleep for?" I asked instead of mentioning the song playing in my head.

"Only a few hours, dear," he answered quickly. "You know, you talk in your sleep," he informed me, causing me to blush.

"I do?" I asked, astounded.

"Oh yes, quite the voice you have there," he answered.

I'm not sure if that's a compliment or an insult.

"Voice?" I questioned, unsure of what he meant.

"Yes. You were um... singing, a song," he clarified.

"Oh. What song was it," I asked hoping it wasn't the song in my head as that will cause more questions to come to mind, but I doubt it would be anything else.

"A Wonderful World," he answered breathlessly. "Wonderful song that one is, yes," he commented.

"Hatter, whose the artist of the song?" I asked, curiously.

"Why, the White Queen of course my dear," he answered, locking eyes with me.

A/N: I know the actual artist is 'Louis Armstrong', but as this is just a fan-fic, I'm making it all up. :)

"It is a beautiful song," I commented, he smiled and went back to his work.

How do I know this song? Why did it come to me?

I didn't realise the song was part of 'Underland', just makes me more curious of this place and who I am.


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