Chapter Six: Red Queen.

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"Take us to the Red Queens castle Bayard, and don't forget the hat," Alice commands.

Bayard gets up and grabs the hat; we start for the Red Queens castle.


Bayard runs a mile or two before we approached a big red and white castle, surrounded by huge walls; it looks old.

Alice and I climb off of Bayard's back and came across a river with floating rocks, and I don't think that's water...

"There's only one way across," Bayard informed.

"Lost my muchness have I?" I heard Alice whisper to herself, looking out at the river.

"After you," I said to her, my voice shaking a bit.

She climbs onto the first rock, and when she moves onto the next, I climb onto the one she was just on. It was difficult keeping balance, but so far, we managed. Turns out, the so called 'rocks' are stoned faces.

Alice makes her last jump, then I follow.

"That wasn't too bad," Alice said to me.

"Aha, sure," I said in a sarcastic tone.

We then look around for an opening, I look up; and the wall is towering over me... I may have been shrunken; twice, but even if I was as my normal size, the wall would still be way taller than me.

Alice peeks through a crack then turns and looks at Bayard.

"Bayard, the hat," she exclaims moving her arms as if to say 'through it over'. And he does so, Hatters hat lands on the other side of the wall... I hope no one finds it; or sees it.

"Thanks Bayard," I thanked him before following Alice through the crack in the wall.

We came face to face with a garden, obviously a gigantic garden.

We walked through the grass that is half our size and peeked around the corner.

We saw a bunch of odd looking people surrounding a women with a large head... that must be the Red Queen. There's also the rabbit form earlier, the blue bird and a porcupine curled up as a ball.

The bird presented the Red Queen with a flamingo. "Your Majesty," he said.

She lined the head of the flamingo up with the porcupine... is she, using the flamingo as a bat and the porcupine as a ball? That's soo cruel.

She hits the poor porcupine and it comes our way, it blew us with a strong wind as it passed.

Alice and I run towards the creature while everyone claps for the Queen.

Alice and I help the little/not so little guy out by untying the ropes around it's paws.

"Where's my ball?" She asked than called for the rabbit.

"Y-yes your majesty," he mumbled then came in our direction.

The porcupine squealed as if to say, 'you must go'.

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