Chapter 5

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Louis paced back and forth in his room, his footsteps quick and restless as he checked and rechecked the contents of his packed bag. Each glance at the clock on his bedside table seemed to heighten his sense of urgency.

The room, bathed in the warm glow of a desk lamp, was a chaotic symphony of clutter-clothes strewn haphazardly on the floor, items half-packed and scattered. The ceiling fan above created a gentle, soothing hum, causing papers and stray socks to flutter like leaves in a breeze.

The late hour only intensified his anxiety, knowing they were set to leave for the football tournament at the crack of dawn.

His mind raced as he reviewed the past two weeks. They had been a rollercoaster of emotions, filled with both dread and relief. The recent confrontations with Josh and his friends had left him feeling tense and on edge, each encounter more nerve-wracking than the last.

The moments of respite had been few and far between, especially those precious instances when he managed to avoid Josh altogether. Through it all, his mum's presence at home had been a comforting anchor, a soothing balm to his frayed nerves.


"Li, Harry, hurry up! Mum and Dad are home!" Louis's voice was a high-pitched burst of excitement as he yanked both boys by their hands. His grip was firm with anticipation as he hurried them out of the mall, the warm, fragrant air inside contrasting sharply with the crisp autumn chill that awaited them outside.

"Louis, calm down. They'll still be there when we get home," Liam chuckled, his voice warm and steady. His attempt at reassurance did little to diminish Louis's excitement.

"But Li, I want to see Mum!" Louis's eyes were wide with longing, his cheeks flushed with impatience.

"Lou, we'll get there. Just breathe, kiddo," Harry added, his voice gentle as he tried to quell the younger boy's impatience.

Louis took a deep breath, trying to steady himself, but his gaze remained fixed on the direction of home. "Can we please hurry now?" he pleaded, his tone a blend of desperation and eagerness.

Both boys exchanged amused smiles before quickening their pace. Their footsteps echoed with a rhythmic urgency on the pavement as they hurried home, the sound a comforting counterpoint to Louis's mounting excitement.

As Liam maneuvered the car into the driveway, Louis was already unbuckling his seatbelt before the vehicle had even come to a complete stop. He darted out of the car, his small feet pounding against the driveway and the soft lawn, the cool evening air rushing past him. The front door swung open with its familiar creak, and he was inside in an instant.

"Mum!" he called out, his voice reverberating through the house.

"Louis, darling!" Jay's voice was a warm, inviting melody, cutting through his whirlwind of emotions. She appeared in the entrance, her arms wide open, and Louis wasted no time sprinting into her embrace. Her scent-a delicate blend of floral perfume and home-cooked meals-enveloped him as he pulled her into a tight hug.

"Mum," Louis sighed contentedly, his voice muffled against her shoulder.

"How is my Boobear doing?" Jay's voice was tender, filled with the kind of affection that only a mother could convey.

"I'm good, Mum. I missed you so much. Three weeks is way too long for you to be gone." Louis's words were spoken into her neck, his arms wrapped around her as though he could merge with her presence.

"I missed you too, baby." Jay's voice was thick with emotion as she pulled back slightly to meet his gaze. Her eyes were soft, shimmering with unconditional love.

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