Chapter 22

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Monday arrived faster than Louis would have liked, bringing with it the usual rush of school and responsibilities. Sunday had been a quiet day, one filled with editing the many photos he had taken over the past week-some from the football tournament, and others from the magical date with Harry. He spent hours tweaking each shot, ensuring they captured the moments perfectly, all while chatting with Lennox on the phone. The easy, playful conversation with her made the day feel lighter, as if they were side by side instead of miles apart.

Lennox, of course, wanted every detail of his date with Harry. She practically squealed over the phone as Louis described the fairy lights, the cozy blanket, and Harry's thoughtful touches. She teased him about how lucky he was, jokingly admitting her jealousy over how adorable Harry was for setting up such a picture-perfect evening. Louis couldn't help but tease back, saying that Liam would surely give her the date of her dreams when they finally went out. It was the kind of conversation that made everything feel a little easier, like Lennox could soothe his worries without even realizing it.

As if that wasn't enough, Harry had been texting him throughout the day, apologizing for not being able to come by. His mum was home, and he wanted to spend some quality time with her. Louis completely understood-he'd be doing the same if his own mum wasn't still away. She'd be back Wednesday, and Louis was counting down the days until he could see her. He had reassured Harry that there was no need to apologize, jokingly calling him a secret mummy's boy. Harry had laughed, threatening playfully that Louis should watch his back for that comment.

Now, Louis stood in the kitchen, the warm steam from his freshly made cup of tea curling up into the air. He leaned against the counter, sipping slowly, trying to calm the unease that had been creeping up on him all morning. Liam was upstairs, getting ready for school, and Harry would be there soon to pick them up. It was their little tradition, and even though Liam had his driving permit now, they both liked carpooling with Harry.

But this time, things were different. Louis didn't just like Harry; they had gone on a date. They had kissed. And now, Louis had no idea how to act. Should he pretend nothing had changed? Should he be the same person-the little brother of Harry's best friend-or should he... do something else? He replayed the kiss in his mind, the one in front of the entire football team. What did that mean for school? Did Harry want people to know about them? How could they have not talked about this?

Lost in his thoughts, Louis didn't even notice when Liam entered the kitchen until he felt his brother's hand on his arm. He flinched slightly, startled, and looked up into Liam's concerned eyes.

"O-oh, hi Li," Louis stammered, forcing a weak smile, hoping to brush off whatever was written on his face. But Liam wasn't buying it.

"Bubs, what's wrong?" Liam's voice was soft but firm, the kind of tone that made it clear Louis wasn't getting out of this conversation so easily.

Louis shook his head, hoping that would be enough to end the conversation before it really started. But Liam wasn't having it. He was protective in a quiet way, not pushing too hard, but always letting Louis know he was there.

"Look, I'm not going to push too much this morning," Liam began, his voice gentle but resolute. "But Lou, we can't keep doing this. You can't keep hiding your feelings inside. If you won't talk to me, can you at least talk to Harry?"

Liam's words hung in the air between them. There was no room for argument, not with the way Liam was looking at him. He wasn't angry or frustrated-just concerned. Louis knew Liam was right, but the thought of opening up, of making himself vulnerable again, was terrifying. He didn't want to be a burden to anyone, especially not Harry.

Louis swallowed hard, looking down at the floor as he mumbled, "I will. I'll talk to him. I just... I need to figure things out first."

Liam sighed, reaching out to squeeze Louis's shoulder. "Alright, but don't wait too long. He cares about you, you know."

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