Chapter 1

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Beauty can be found in everything, even the dullest of places. This is a concept that Louis prided himself on believing in, well in everything but himself. The truth is the 16 year old lad struggles to with self esteem. It wasn't always like this, when he was young he use to be a vibrant, flamboyant, carefree kid, but since his forced coming out in year 10 and the bullying that followed he has never seen himself the same.

Looking in the mirror this morning before school all Louis can see is his little tummy, thick thighs and big ass. His feathery brown hair never staying in place the way he wants it, his little square glasses covering his blue eyes that he wears on days like today when his eyes are too dry from the constant contact wearing. Pulling his baggiest hoodie over his head to cover all of his imperfections Louis lets out a sigh.

"Louis hurry dude we are going to be late." Liam Louis's older brother shouts from behind his bedroom door. Liam is two years older than Louis he is in Year 13, Co-Captain of the football team, star player and overall beloved son and friend.  "Sorry Li, I'm coming" Louis grabs his backpack slinging it over his shoulder and heads out the door.

"Louis did you eat?" Liam asks as Louis enters the kitchen, looking down at his feet Louis sighs. " 'm not hungry." "Louis you need to eat breakfast." Shaking his head and ignoring Liam, Louis goes to the cupboard to make himself a cup of tea. "Louis come on Harry is outside we don't have time for you to have a tea this morning. Grab a granola bar and lets go."

A small pout forms on Louis lips as he put the cup back as he realizes he is not going to have his morning tea. He grabs his bag and puts on his pair of red vans before following Liam out to Harry's black Range Rover. Harry Styles, is Liam's best friend since Year 5 and the guy Louis has been crushing on for the past 3 years. Harry has been picking the two brothers up since Harry got is license last year.

Louis climbs into the backseat quietly while Liam and Harry share their good mornings. "Morning Lou" Harry smiles as he turns to face Louis. "Here i brought you this i figured you slept in too late again to make yourself your morning tea" Harry hands Louis a travel mug of tea. Louis blushes and mumbles a quiet thank you to Harry, Harry giving him a warm smile in return before turning back to face forwards and drive towards the school.

The drive is spent with Liam and Harry discussing strategies and starting line for their up coming tournament in two week, Harry is the co-captain of the team with Liam. Louis just listens quietly while staring at the back of Harry's shoulder length brown curls that were wrapped in a series of different bandanas that Harry owns. Louis wonders what it would feel like to run his fingers through, believing that it was probably the softest thing in the world. Besides his hair Louis often gets lost in Harry's face, his sharp jaw line or his piercing sea foam green eyes that Louis wouldn't mind losing himself in. Not to mention his plump, pink lips that Louis often dreams about and the way that they would feel against his own.

So caught up in his day dreaming Louis didn't even realize that they had arrived at the school Louis froze when Liam and Harry hopped out. Louis wasn't ready to go in, once he stepped foot into that school he knew that the day was only going to get worse. Louis sat there numb unable to move or speak. Suddenly Harry opened Louis door causing Louis to jump. "Sorry kid, you weren't coming wanted to make sure you were okay" Harry smiles. "S-sorry i-i am c-coming" Louis stares at his hands still not making a move to get out.

"You sure because you aren't moving" Harry chuckles. Louis starts to tear up "S-sorry" "Lou, kid what's got you looking so sad do you need me to get Liam?" Louis shakes his head. "s-sorry i-ll l-leave y-your c-car n-now" "Hey how about Li and I walk you to your class would that help?" Louis gives a small nod in response. "Okay come on kiddo." Harry reaches out his hand for Louis to take, Louis timidly takes Harry's hand as he helps him out of the car. Once his feet touch the ground Harry releases Louis hand causing a small frown to form on the boys lips.

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