Chapter 14

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Throughout the movie, Louis found himself sinking deeper into the sanctuary of Harry's embrace. Harry's scent was an irresistible balm to his nerves-a delicate blend of vanilla and a hint of spice, mingling seamlessly with Harry's natural warmth. Louis marveled at how this unique fragrance seemed to encapsulate everything he cherished about Harry: comforting, reassuring, and utterly familiar. It was a scent that spoke of safety and affection, wrapping around Louis like a protective shield against the unease brought on by the movie.

As he nestled against Harry, Louis's mind wandered back to the first time he had encountered this captivating aroma.

It was a Friday evening, and Louis had come home to find Liam and Harry sprawled on the couch, engrossed in a heated debate over a movie. The scene unfolding on the screen featured a character bravely, or perhaps recklessly, descending a dark, creaking staircase into an ominous basement.


"Are you insane! Don't go down there!" Harry's voice was a mix of exasperation and concern. "How else is she going to get answers, Harry?" Liam countered, equally passionate. "I DON'T KNOW, ANYWHERE BUT THE CREEPY FUCKING BASEMENT!"

Louis couldn't help but chuckle softly at their animated bickering as he walked further into the living room. Their friendly arguments were a charming and familiar part of their dynamic. "Oh hi, bubs!" Liam greeted him with a warm smile as soon as he noticed Louis.

"Hi, Li," Louis waved, trying to mask the loneliness he felt at that moment. "Is Mum home?"

Liam's face fell into a puzzled expression. "Did she not tell you?" he asked, confusion evident in his tone.

"Tell me what?" Louis asked, feeling a pang of anxiety.

"Oh, her and Dad are out of town until Wednesday. They've got meetings next week and decided to make a weekend getaway out of it," Liam explained. "But she didn't say goodbye... she always says goodbye."

Louis's frown deepened. The lack of a goodbye felt like an unspoken disappointment, a gap in his usual routine that left him feeling adrift. "I know, bubs, I'm so sorry," Liam said with a sympathetic look.

"I'll just head up to my room, maybe go to bed," Louis said, struggling to keep his voice steady as he fought back the tears that threatened to spill. The absence of his mother's usual farewell had hit him harder than he'd anticipated, and he felt a wave of loneliness wash over him.

"Hey, kid, come on. Let's get your mind off of it. Look, I'll even share my snacks with you," Harry said with a kind smile, his voice a gentle invitation.

"What snacks?" Louis asked, his curiosity piqued.

Harry held up a small assortment of treats: salt and vinegar chips, chocolate, and a bag of Haribo gummies. Louis's eyes widened at the sight of the gummies. "Ah, so gummies are your favorite then?" Harry chuckled.

Louis nodded shyly. "Well, come watch the movie. I'd be happy to share," Harry offered, his grin widening.

"Okay..." Louis acquiesced, slowly making his way over to Harry. He settled between Liam and Harry on the couch, his spirits lifting slightly at the thought of joining them. Harry passed him the bag of gummies with a dimple-popping smile. Louis accepted the treat with a soft "thank you" and nestled in to watch the movie.

As the film progressed, the tension on-screen began to take its toll. Louis, who had always been uneasy with scary movies, found himself increasingly on edge. The dimly lit basement on screen and the eerie soundtrack were more than enough to fuel his anxiety. He had hoped to slip away unnoticed, but his position between Liam and Harry made that impossible.

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