Chapter 18

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Louis wakes up to the soft light filtering through the thin curtains of the hotel room, the early morning sun casting a gentle glow over the room. The bed beside him is empty, and the room feels strangely quiet, save for the faint hum of the air conditioning. Confused and a bit anxious, he glances around, hoping to catch a glimpse of Liam or Harry. The absence of their comforting presence adds to the heaviness in his chest.

He reaches for his phone, the cool metal feeling reassuring against his warm skin. Creating a group chat, he types out a quick message, hoping for a prompt response.

Where did you guys go?

After a few minutes of staring at the screen, with no reply, Louis decides to start his day. He stretches, feeling the remnants of yesterday's emotions and the physical ache from his injuries. Despite the discomfort, he feels a sense of determination to get ready for the day ahead.

The bathroom is a sanctuary of warmth and steam. Louis turns on the tap, setting the water to a hot, soothing temperature. As he steps into the shower, the water cascades down his back, enveloping him in its embrace. The sensation is both comforting and invigorating, easing the tension in his bruised muscles and providing a momentary escape from the throbbing headache.

Louis lets out a long, contented sigh, allowing the steam to envelop him. He stands there longer than he intended, letting the warmth of the water wash away the remnants of his worries and fears. With a final shiver of relief, he turns off the tap and steps out, the cool air of the bathroom contrasting pleasantly with the lingering warmth of the shower.

He wraps a towel around himself, but then remembers his clothes are in the main room. Cautiously, he peeks out of the bathroom door, ensuring the room remains empty. With a quick glance around, he tiptoes across the room, trying not to let the soft padding of his feet disturb the quiet.

Louis rummages through his suitcase, finding a pair of white-washed skinny jeans and a graphic t-shirt. His fingers brush against the fabric of Harry's suitcase, and he hesitates for a moment before pulling out one of Harry's sweaters. The familiar scent of Harry's cologne on the sweater provides a comforting reassurance, wrapping him in an invisible embrace.

He dresses quickly, pulling on the jeans and t-shirt, and then heads back to the full-length mirror by the door. As he styles his fringe, arranging it just right, he takes a moment to admire the reflection. He can't help but feel a twinge of excitement for the evening. He's eager to introduce Lennox to Harry and Liam, excited to share this new friendship with them.

After drying his hair with the blow dryer, Louis turns off the bathroom light and returns to his bed, pulling out his phone. The silence of the room now feels heavier, more profound. He wonders where Liam and Harry could have gone, hoping they'll return soon so he can start the day with them.

As Louis waits, he clutches his phone, eager for a distraction from the swirling worry and the impending sense of departure that lingers like a storm cloud at the back of his mind. The flickering screen lights up with messages from Lennox, each notification a glimmer of hope amidst the uncertainty of the day. He types quickly, pouring out his thoughts, the idea of seeing her tonight acting as a beacon, cutting through the fog of anxiety. Her laughter and warmth felt like a lifeline he desperately clung to.

Almost an hour later, at 8:15 a.m., the door creaks open, and Louis's heart skips a beat as he sees Liam and Harry stepping into the room. The soft morning light spills in behind them, illuminating their familiar faces. Liam greets him with a warm smile, but Louis's pout betrays the hurt simmering beneath the surface.

"Morning, bubs," Liam says softly, his voice wrapping around Louis like a comforting blanket.

"Morning," Louis replies, but the word is tinged with disappointment, his expression clouded.

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