Chapter 4

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When Louis woke up it was already half 6 in the evening, he looked around the room and noticed that he was in his bedroom, Harry must have carried him there. Louis instantly felt embarrassed by the fact that Harry saw him in that state. However his stomach didn't let him think on that too long the burning sensation growing as if telling him to get up and get something to eat. Throwing off his covers off he notices he was still in the clothes he wore to school. He makes the decision to wear something comfier, and begins stripping out of his clothes and throwing on a pair of light grey joggers and a baggy white graphic tee.

Once he was dressed he headed out of his room to make his way to the hallway to the kitchen. The sound of laughter coming from the downstairs living room adverted the boys focus and he found his curiosity guiding him towards the noise. Louis descended the stairs skipping the last two and made his way down the narrow dark hallway towards the living room.

Soon his vision came vision came to focus on Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn laughing at something the other said as  they were watching plays in the background. Coming into their view Liam turns to see Louis standing there with his hands clasped together in front of him awkwardly. "Hi ya bubs!" Liam smiles. "H-hi" Louis smiles shyly. "Did you sleep well?" Liam asks

"Y-yes" Louis whispers. "Good, want to join us bubs?" He asks motioning to the movie. "S-sure" Louis nods making his way to the group, Louis notices that Liam and Niall are taking up the love seat, while Harry and Zayn are sprawled out on the 3 seater. The only options left for Louis are the floor or the chair in the corner. Deciding the chair would be too uncomfortable on his neck due to the angle Louis made his way to the floor in front of Zayn and Harry.

"Lou why are you on floor?" Harry questions sitting up on the couch. "C-chair i-is too u-uncomfortable" Louis whispers. "Come sit with Z and I we don't bite." Louis shakes his head as if to say he is fine on the floor. Harry however was having none of it apparently as he reached down and wrapped his arms around Louis chest under his armpits and pulled him up on the couch beside him and Zayn. Louis lets out a yelp as he is plopped down next to Harry.

"W-what y-you d-do t-that f-for" Louis pouts. "The floor is no place for you." Harry smiles down at him. "meanie you scared me" he pouts further. "Don't pout love, your to pretty to be pouting." Blush coats Louis cheeks as he looks down into his lap trying to not smile.

"Hey Styles stop making the poor boy blush and watch the damn movie" Niall laughs, throwing popcorn at him. "Fuck off Horan" Harry shoots him a playful glare and then turns back to Louis. "How are you feeling Lou?" Harry asks, Louis stomach answers for him letting out a quiet grumble. "Hungry?" Harry chuckles. "I didn't eat dinner." Louis whispers.

"We ordered pizza earlier, there should be a couple pieces upstairs left for you" Liam chimes in. "Oh yeah sorry i ate those..." Niall frowns. "Horan you idiot those were for Louis." Liam flicks his head. "I'm sorry Louis i didn't realize." Niall apologizes.

"I-its o-okay" Louis offers a small smile as to not make the older boy feel bad. Louis was use to not eating dinner some nights, he could stand to loose a few ponds anyway. He never starved himself,  no he knows how unhealthy that could be. He just sometimes chooses to skip dinner to sleep or take photos. "Want to order something?" Harry offers. "N-no i'its o-okay, n-not hungry a-anymore." Louis turns to face the movie ignoring the concerned look from both Liam and Harry.

They were were only 20 minutes into Deep Water Horizon, so thankfully it doesn't take long for him to catch up to where they are in the movie. Louis feels Harry get up from the couch. Louis takes all his power to not look at where Harry is going. Probably just to the bathroom or something. Either way it was none of Louis business and he needs to stop the stalker behaviour. Fixing his eyes on the screen and keeping them there Louis engrossed himself into the movie.

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