Chapter 19

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The ride to the stadium is a heavy, almost tangible silence. The bus hums steadily beneath them, its vibrations a stark contrast to the storm brewing inside Louis. The muted chatter and clinking of breakfast dishes are now replaced by an oppressive quiet, the weight of Coach Jones's speech still echoing in Louis's mind.

The sun filters through the tinted windows, casting a pale, dappled light across the seats. Louis sits with his hands clasped tightly in his lap, his gaze unfocused as he stares out at the blurred landscape rolling by. The familiar scenes of the city-neatly trimmed lawns, busy streets, and towering buildings-seem distant and disconnected from the turmoil inside him. Even though he knows rationally that no one is watching him, he feels as though every pair of eyes in the bus is trained on him, judging him for the spectacle that unfolded in the lobby.

Jones's words are a relentless sting in the back of Louis's mind: "As some of you know, Josh has been sent home, his behavior yesterday was unacceptable at the game." The coach's voice had been sharp and unwavering, slicing through the breakfast room like a blade. "I never want to see any of you arguing and getting aggressive with the refs the way that he did. I don't care how unfair you think the call is. That behavior will have you off the team faster than you can say football. Understand me?"

The words had been met with stiff nods of agreement, but the impact was unmistakable. Jones had continued, his anger palpable, "Now, I will not tolerate any more bullying from any member of this team. If I see it, you will not only be kicked off the team, you will face serious consequences. The behavior that I have learned is happening from some members of this team is completely unacceptable and absolutely disgusting. I have never been so disappointed in some of you. Finish your breakfast and be on the bus in 15 minutes."

The coach's departure had left the room in a stifling hush, the weight of his words settling heavily on everyone's shoulders.

Louis's discomfort lingers as he sits on the bus. Liam, seated beside him, is a palpable bundle of nerves, his fingers drumming anxiously on his knee. Louis can't help but feel a pang of disappointment; he misses Harry's comforting proximity. Harry is just across the aisle, seated next to Liam, but the distance feels like a chasm. He longs for the warmth and security that Harry brings, the way his head fits perfectly in the crook of Harry's neck, a place that feels like it was made for him.

The thought of Harry's embrace brings a soothing warmth to Louis's chest, a feeling of peace he struggles to describe. It's a comforting balm amidst the swirling emotions of the day.

With a sigh, Louis reaches into his camera bag and pulls out his headphones, connecting them to his phone. He selects his favorite playlist, "Escaping My Reality," and hits play. The initial notes of Siouxsie and the Banshees' "The Passenger" begin to play, the soothing melody and rhythmic beats providing an escape from the tension around him. He presses his head against the cool, smooth glass of the bus window, the movement of the bus and the music blending together to transport him to a different realm, a place where the troubles of the morning feel like a distant memory.


In the dressing room, the atmosphere is thick with tension. Liam paces restlessly, his footsteps echoing softly on the tiled floor. The walls, adorned with motivational posters and team memorabilia, seem to close in as Liam waits for Coach Jones to arrive for the pre-game pep talk. The room is filled with the subdued rustling of team members shifting nervously, their conversations a low murmur that fails to mask the palpable anxiety.

Louis observes Liam with a mix of sympathy and admiration. He understands Liam's nerves; he remembers the days when he too was a part of the action. As a child, he used to play football with Liam, their friendly matches filled with laughter and camaraderie. Football had been a fun diversion for him, a love he indulged in casually. But Liam's passion for the sport was a stark contrast. For Liam, football was life, a gateway to a future he was determined to carve out through skill and dedication.

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