Chapter 11

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The pool area is almost eerily quiet, the only sounds being the splashing from the occasional child and the laughter of Louis's friends. The vast expanse of water is punctuated by the small group enjoying their late afternoon together. Harry and Niall race up the stairs toward the slide, their shouts of excitement echoing through the open space. Liam, ever the show-off, performs graceful front flips into the pool, creating brief, shimmering arcs of water as he lands. Zayn leisurely wades in the shallow end, enjoying the calmness of the water while keeping a relaxed pace.

Louis has claimed the hot tub as his personal retreat. The bubbling, steamy water embraces him, soothing his cold, tired muscles and relaxing him after an eventful day. He sinks deeper into the hot tub, letting the warmth envelop him like a comforting cocoon. The heat feels like a gentle embrace, easing away the remnants of fatigue and tension.

"Lou!" Harry's voice cuts through the ambient noise as he shouts from the top of the slide. His excitement is palpable, even from a distance.

"Hi Hazzie," Louis calls back, his smile unwavering. The happiness from earlier today still clings to him, a radiant contrast to the night's chill. He can still feel the lingering warmth from Harry's hand, a sensation that has become a comforting ghost dancing around his own.

"Come on, we are making a train down the slide!" Harry gestures enthusiastically for Louis to join them. His eyes sparkle with anticipation.

"But I am toasty in here," Louis whines playfully, the steam rising around him creating a soft halo.

"You are no fun!" Harry pouts dramatically, his face contorting into a playful frog-like expression. Louis can't help but giggle at the sight, finding Harry's antics endearing.

Louis sticks his tongue out at Harry, a gesture of playful rebellion, and watches as the group lines up on the slide. Harry leads the charge, followed closely by Niall, Zayn, and Liam, who is positioned at the very end. With a collective push, they all swoosh down the slide in a chaotic, giggling rush.

The splash they create is considerable, with Harry letting out a groan as he surfaces. He shakes his head, his wet hair sticking to his face. Niall's knee has made an unfortunate connection with Harry's back, causing him to come up sputtering. Harry's initial frustration is evident as he turns to give Niall a playful punch on the arm.

"You fucker, what did you do that for!" Niall grumbles, his voice a mix of annoyance and amusement.

"You kneed me in the back, you dickhead!" Harry retorts, his voice filled with mock indignation as he pulls himself out of the pool and heads toward the hot tub.

Louis watches with amusement, his laughter bubbling up at the playful bickering. "H, where are you going?" Liam calls out, his eyes tracking Harry's movement with curiosity.

"The hot tub, away from that big oaf," Harry responds with a dramatic flair, making a beeline for Louis's haven. His tone is light and teasing, clearly relishing the chance to escape the fray.

As Harry slips into the hot tub beside Louis, he lets out a contented sigh. The heat of the water seems to soothe him, the playful scuffle from earlier melting away. Louis glances at Harry, their proximity in the bubbling water adding an extra layer of intimacy to their shared space. The warmth of the hot tub and the closeness of Harry's presence create a perfect cocoon, shielding them from the chaos of the pool.

Harry leans back, his eyes half-closed as he savors the warmth. "This is much better," he murmurs, a relaxed smile playing on his lips.

Louis smiles back, feeling a renewed sense of contentment. The day has been filled with laughter, playful moments, and a comforting sense of closeness that he cherishes deeply. As they sit together in the hot tub, surrounded by the soft hum of bubbles and the distant sounds of their friends, Louis feels a profound sense of peace and happiness, perfectly content in Harry's presence.

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