Chapter 2

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Louis woke up the next morning to the sound of his alarm making the loudest most unbearable noise, Louis flailing around his bed searching for his phone only to see that it was on his nightstand. Finally reaching for his phone he turns off the sounds waking him up and filling him with dread. Another day he has to suffer through, constant gut rattling day.

Taking a deep breathe and finally registering the time on his phone being 7:15 am, Louis shoots up out of bed and scrambles racing around his room, throwing clothes out of his drawer looking for something to wear settling for a soft light pink jumper and a pair of black skinny jeans and his black vans.

Taking a look in the full length mirror behind his door Louis lets out a deep sigh before opening his bedroom door and padding his way down the hall to his bathroom. Making quick work Louis brushes his teeth and washes his face before using the toilet and heading downstairs hoping he has enough time to make himself a cup of tea.

Skipping the last two steps Louis makes his way into the kitchen, heading towards the corner cabinet where his favourite brand of tea is, however someone else must have put the box away and put it on the tallest shelf. Louis lets out a small pout as he tries to reach for the box climbing onto his tippy toes and stretching his arms as far as they can go yet still coming up short.

"Need some help" Louis hears a deep voice call from behind him, letting out a squeaky yelp he whips around to see a smirking Harry standing in the archway of the kitchen entrance. "H-harry y-you s-sc-scared m-me!" Harry chuckles. "Sorry kiddo, do you need some help reaching that?" Pointing to the tea. Louis nods sheepishly as Harry makes his way over to Louis reaching up and grabbing the tea off the top shelf with ease.

"T-thank y-you" Louis whispers. "No problem Lou" Harry smiles before grabbing two mugs from the cabinet beside the tea and flicking on the kettle. "W-why y-you h-here s-so e-early" "I never left last night, passed out on the couch while Li and I were watching a movie." Harry explains before ruffling Louis hair causing the younger boy to pout.

"O-oh" The kettle going off saving Louis from having to try and make anymore small talk. It's not that Louis doesn't want to talk to Harry if anything Louis would love to sit down and have a real conversation with him, to know everything about him. But the idea of having a conversation with anyone other then Liam or his parents for more than 10 minutes makes him want to throw up everywhere.

"Good morning bub" Liam cheers entering the kitchen sitting next Harry at the island. "Morning Li" Louis whispers. "Are you ready to go we don't want to be late?" Liam questions nodding his head towards the full mug of tea in Louis hands. Sighing Louis goes to dump the tea in the sink knowing once again he isn't going to get to enjoy his morning tea because he is too slow getting ready in the mornings.

"Louis sit finish your tea we have time." Harry smiles at the younger boy. "H I don't want to be late I have a midterm early first period." Liam protest. "Li man chill, we won't be late it is only 7:30, it takes us 5 minutes to get to school and last bell doesn't ring until 7:50. We will be fine let your brother finish his tea." Harry leans over and whispers to Liam "I think it relaxes him." Sighing knowing his best friend his right Liam agrees to let Louis take the time to drink his tea. Louis blushes sending a small appreciative nod to Harry after receiving a large dimpling popping grin from the older.


As Harry promised they made it to school with plenty of time to spare for Liam to make it to his mid term. Louis however took his time entering the building behind the older two dragging his feet letting the soles of his shoes scrape the pavement. Dread washes over him as he knows what waits for him in photojournalism.

Entering the class he makes his way to his seat in the back corner by the window, hoping that nobody says anything to him and much to his surprise he is able to get through the first half of the class with no incident.

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