Chapter 6

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"Alright boys listen up!' Coach Jones shouts over the gymnasium of the football team, the team medic and Louis. "The bus will be arriving in five minutes, i need for everyone to put their bags under the bus and get into your seats. We are going to do roll call once we are on the bus. Liam and Harry will be handing out your room assignments once we are on the road. Before you ask they are non-negotiable."

Nodding the team stands up to start gathering their bags and make their way out the door. Liam and Harry head out to the front with coach so they can ensure everything is okay. Louis doing one final check to make sure that he has all of his camera equipment. Suddenly Louis is knocked over his camera bag falling out of his hand. "Keep your gay ass out of my way." Josh sneers as he kicks Louis's side.

"P-please s-stop" Louis whimpers. Josh kneels down so he is right in Louis face. "Don't fuck this tournament up for me you pathetic excuse of a human. I swear to god i will make your life a living hell.  I don't know why coach picked out out of everyone in our class you. The worst photographer." Josh kicks Louis one last time before him and his friends leave Louis alone clutching his side.

Louis lays there for a few minutes before he finds the will to stand up and grab his bags. Remembering that his camera bag got knocked out of his hands he rushes to the bag inspecting the camera ensuring that there were no cracks or missing pieces. Determining that his bag does indeed to the job of keeping it protected Louis lets out a sigh allowing a few tears to fall down his cheek.

Taking a few deep breaths inhaling the scent of the sweaty gym Louis wipes his tears before picking up his bags and walking out of the gym side entrance towards the parking lot.

"There you are kid! Li and I were wondering what happened to you." Harry smiles seeing Louis walk towards the bus. "S-sorry i-" Louis looks up and see's Josh glaring down at him through the window as if daring Louis to say something, to tell anyone and see was happens. Louis gulps. "I-i was j-just i-inspecting m-my c-camera."

"Lou are you okay, you have blood on your hand" Harry gasps grabbing Louis hand in his inspecting the blood. "Oh umm I'm o-okay i-i just f-fell" Louis takes his hand back hiding it under the sleeve of his sweater.

"Can I look at it, make sure you are okay?" Harry offers.

"Hazzie i promise I'm fine." Louis offers a small smile before glancing up quickly to Josh to seeing he is still studying the conversation between Harry and Louis. Harry follows Louis gaze before looking back down at Louis. "Louis are you sure you are okay? You know you can tell me anything."

"I'm okay Hazzie..." Louis reassures half heartedly. "Okay love, but just know i am here if you need me okay?" "I know Hazzie, that's why you are my favourite of Li's friends." Louis smiles. "I better be your favourite, who else would bring you gummies?" Harry grins pulling a bag of Haribo gummies from her pocket. Louis gasps and a smile breaks out on his face. Louis instantly jumping into Harry wrapping his arms around Harry's neck.

Harry chuckles, wrapping his arms around Louis waist. "Okay babes, lets get on the bus the team is ready to go." "O-okay" nerves instantly taking over Louis worried about spending the next 6 hours on the bus with Josh and his friends. Harry noticing the panic in Louis eyes grabs his hands in his own. "Hey, Lou, breathe kid. I know it may seem overwhelming being on a bus with all these people but i promise you. Liam and I are going to be by your side the entire time. Okay?"

"I-I'm sorry i-I'm s-so p-pathetic. Y-you shouldn't h-have t-to d-deal w-with m-me, i-i am j-just y-your b-best f-friends l-loser b-brother." Louis stutters choking back tears.

"Louis Tomlinson, you are not pathetic nor are you a loser and you are not just my friends little brother. You are my friend too kid! I am your friend. So please love, do not ever think those things about yourself, because you are an amazing, sweet, talented, funny, beautiful, smart, kind person." Harry stares directly into Louis teary eyes.

Louis nods his head slowly, not trusting himself not to break down in tears if he opened his mouth.

The two don't exchange any more words, before putting Louis suitcase in the storage compartment under the bus. Louis secures his backpack and camera bags to his shoulders following Harry onto the bus. Louis grips his bags as he walks down the aisle towards the back of the bus where Liam, Niall and Zayn are. He keeps his head down as he passes Josh and his friends. Josh taking full advantage of Louis head being down pushes him so he goes flying into Harry's back.

"Whoa in a rush there kid?" Harry turns to face Louis teasing him. "S-sorry i-i t-tripped" Louis whispers. "You really are a clumsy one aren't you." Harry grabs Louis hand pulling him so he is front of Harry then guiding him to his seat. Louis's stomach doing summersaults as the large hand warm rests against his lower back.

"Want to sit down next to Liam?" Harry offers as they reach the back of the bus Louis offers a small nod before sliding into the seat next to Liam. "Hi bubs, you okay?" Liam smiles down at his younger brother. " 'm okay Li." Liam wraps his arm around Louis shoulder pulling him in for a side hug, Louis relaxes into the touch and lets him self breathe for the first time since he left his house this morning.

"Alright let me do roll call then we can head out!" Coach Jones bellows from the front of the bus.

"Blake Adams?" "Here coach"
"Justin Anderson?" "Here!"
"Kyle Brown?" "Here" 
"Daniel Cross?" "Here"
"Russell Drake?" Here
"Carson Evans?" "Here"
"Niall Horan?" "Oi! Here!" Niall cheers from behind Louis......
"Zayn Malik?" "Here".....
"Tim Murphy?" "Here"
"Brayden Nesbit?" "Here"
"Cole Olsen?" "Here"
"Liam Payne?" "Here!"
"Hunter Peterson?" "Here"
"Josh Reid?" "Here coach!"
"Harry Styles?" "Here!"
"Louis Tomlinson?" "H-here..." Louis whispers. "Tomlinson you here?" "He's here coach." Harry speaks up for Louis. "Tomlinson i need you to speak up next time!" "S-sorry" Louis hears chuckling coming from the front of the bus, coming from none other than Josh and Blakes seats.

"Now that we are all on the bus, we are going to head out, the drive is 4 hours, with one stop at the half way mark. We will arrive in Southampton around 2pm. Once we get to the hotel i will check everyone in, we will head to our rooms to settle in and meet at 5pm for a team dinner. Now Harry, Liam please hand out the the room assignments."

Harry and Liam stand up in their seat, Liam hands Harry the piece of paper listing the room assignments.  "Okay listen up, i don't want any back chat after we read these out, there is no trading rooms, got it?" Liam starts. "Okay group one, we have Blake, Justin, Russell, and Josh." Harry continues, Josh and his buddies high five as they hear the news. "Next we have Carson, Kyle , Daniel and Tim" Liam adds.  "The third group is Niall, Zayn, Cole and Hunter" Harry continues. "Finally we have Harry, myself and Louis in the final room." Liam finishes.

"What a loser he can't even stay in a room without his big brother to look over him" Blake snickers loud enough for everyone on the bus to hear, causing Josh to let out loud cackle. "Oi! Shut your fucking mouth before i bench your ass!" Liam and Harry shout in sync.

"If anyone says another thing about Louis i swear to god you will be off this team so fast, this young lad is here doing us a favour taking photos of our team, taking time out of his day, so you will treat him with nothing but respect. " Coach Jones adds

Louis whimpers sliding down in his seat hiding from everyone. "I wanna go home, I wanna go home." Louis whimpers quietly to himself, pinching his thighs hard enough to leave a mark.

"Hey, hey Louis, stop bubs, it's okay you are safe kiddo, they aren't going to say anything else." Liam rubs his back gently soothing Louis until exhaustion finally taking over the small boy allowing his eyes to flicker shut and sleep to over take him.

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