Chapter 8

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The restaurant they are at is packed, it looks like almost every team that is attending the tournament is packed into Piccolo Mondo. Louis is currently squished between Liam and Niall, with Zayn and Harry sitting across from the them. The only good thing about this restaurant is that Josh is at the opposite end of the table from Louis and Niall blocks his view.

"Man i am so fucking hungry i could eat everything on this menu" Niall groans. "So just another day hey Niall?" Zayn pokes at the Irish lad. Zayn wasn't wrong, Niall has been known for constantly eating and always being hungry, Louis was kind of jealous of that, the fake blonde haired lad could eat whatever he wanted and never gain a pound. Louis on the other hand constantly worried about gaining weight, mainly because his diet was mainly gummies and whatever food Liam or Harry would make for dinner. Louis does not cook, he was absolutely horrendous at it one time he tried to make eggs for him and Liam and the kitchen was a cloud of smoke and the pan well... it would have been better off in the trash.

"Oi shut it!" He laughs his loud cackle of a laugh making Louis giggle quietly. The thing about Niall is that his laugh is super contagious it makes anyone who hears it also laugh along with him. It is loud and infectious, sounds like a deep crack in the back of your throat, crisp and clear. "Honestly everything looks so fucking good so i don't blame Nialler." Liam laughs.

"So Lou what are you getting?" Harry leans over the table so Louis can hear him over the noise. "M-maybe a-a p-pizza" Louis whispers. "Sounds lovely. I think i am going to get the Ricotta Ravioli" Harry grins. "T-that s-sounds yum-yummy" "It does doesn't it." Harry smiles sitting back into his chair.

"Say young Tommo, you ready to take some sick pictures of me?" Niall nudges Louis softly. "Uh.. y-yeah..." "You don't have to be shy kid, we've known since you were 13 back when you were a rowdy prepubescent teen." Niall says and Louis just looks down in his lap. "U-uh ex-excuse me... n-need t-the b-bathroom" Louis excuses himself pushing his chair back and walking to the bathroom...

Niall and Zayn looks around in confusion while Liam and Harry share a knowing look. "Ni, it's nothing against you guys, Louis is just very shy. The only one beside me he is comfortable with is Harry who he has known since he was 5. Harry is even hit or miss. Some days he just wants to be by Harry's side and other days he gets shy around him." Liam explains.

"Sorry we just want him to feel comfortable that's all." Zayn explains. "That's great guys, he just needs a softer touch. Plus he doesn't really like big crowds to this is hard for him. Ni maybe you and i should switch spots. He may feel more comfortable that way." Harry suggests.

"H you just want a chance to sit closer to the boy." Zayn teases. "What! No!" Harry blushes. "I-I just want to make him feel comfortable i care for the kids well being  alright." Harry defends. "H we know relax Z is just teasing." Niall smirks standing up to switch seats with Harry.

Standing up Harry turns to the look in the direction of the bathroom, debating on whether or not he should go follow Louis. "Harry he will be fine, just sit down yeah?" Liam says softly. Harry nods and slides in the seat next to Liam.

***Meanwhile with Louis***

Louis walks into the bathroom heading towards the sink, resting his hands down on the counter in front of him, the coolness of the countertop sends chills up he spine. He turns on the tap to the coolest setting allowing the coolness of the water to ground his body working its way through his nervous system calming his anxious thoughts. Louis looks at himself in the mirror, staring into his blank eyes. "Breath Louis... it's fine you are fine..." Louis mutters to himself. He hates that he can't ever be normal in a conversation anymore, he just wants to hold one conversation without stuttering.

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