Chapter 7

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Louis remains asleep the first two hours of the bus ride, his head resting gently against Liam's shoulder and soft snores escaping his lips Harry on the seat beside him across the isle. His dreams creating a calming effect, getting lost in the embers of green that sparkle through, the chocolate brown curls that float as the wind, the vanilla scent warm like a summer breeze. Harry that's all he sees is Harry.

"Lou bubs wakey wakey" Liam shakes Louis shoulder gently waking him from his slumber. "Hazzie" Louis mumbles half a sleep. "No bubs its Li" Liam chuckles. "Li?" "Yeah bubs, we are at the gas station, can you please get up and i promise you can go back to dreaming about Harry after" Liam chuckles whispering the last part.

"LIAM!' Louis gasps sitting up in his seat looking around and realizing Liam and Louis are the only ones on the bus, relaxing a little at that. "You have been mumbling his name for the past half hour." Liam snickers. "Oh my god, that is so embarrassing" Louis hides his face in his hands. "Did he hear" Louis whispers.

"No bubs, it was quiet, i could barely hear it, the only reason i did was because you were laying right near my ear." Liam reassures. "now come on lets, get you a snack and use the restroom before we have to leave." Liam stands up, with Louis dragging his feet behind him.

"Glad to see you awake" Harry smiles down at Louis as the two boys catch up with their friends who were waiting outside the bus. Louis blushes giving Harry a shy smile.

"Okay we have 15 minutes then we need to meet everyone back on the bus, so lets be quick in there." Liam instructs and the 5 of them take off heading into the convince store.

Louis makes his way to the back row where the drink cooler is, carefully he runs his finger across the glass as he inspects each case, searching for the perfect drink. His hand stops when he sees the energy drink that is calling his name. Opening the sliding door to cooler a gush of cold air covers him, shivers running down his spine. Taking the fruit punch flavoured drink in his tiny hands, fingers hardly long enough to get a full grip on the massive can, Louis walks towards the candy section of the store.

"You know those are horrible for you" Lous hears his favourite deep voice speak from behind him. "Yes, but they are tasty" Louis giggles and then pouts when he realizes that there are none of his favourite gummies in this store. "Why the pout kid?"

"No gummies" Louis turns to look at Harry with an even bigger pout on his lips eyes filled with disappointment. "Is there something else you would like?" Harry tries. "No" Louis sighs. "Well then it's a good thing i always keep a pack on hand in case my favourite person needs a pick me up." Louis's eyes widen and mouth falls open.

"You have Haribo gummies?" Louis gasps "In my bag on the bus." Harry smiles. "W-will y-you s-share with m-me?" He stutters, embarrassed and worried Harry will say no.

"On one condition" Harry starts. "W-what's that?" Louis cocks his head in confusion. "You sit next to me and watch a movie with me for the last half of the drive." Harry grins. Louis takes a moment to ponder the question, the answer was easy even if there was no promise of gummies, Louis would sit next to the curly haired lad in a heartbeat. No Louis was trying to buy himself sometime so he didn't look too eager.

"Deal!" Louis cheers after a few seconds. "Great! Lets go love, lets get this drink paid for and use the washroom before we get settled on the bus" Louis nods in agreement following Harry to the front of the store, protesting and ultimately losing when Harry took his drink to pay for it.

"Li are you okay if i sit with Harry, he has gummies" Louis asks his older brother as makes his way to the back of the bus. "Of course bubs" Liam ruffles Louis hair, creating a small pout on the smaller boys lips.

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