To Play God

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Cassandra met Ash, Shorter, Skip, Eiji, Griffin and Yut-lung when she was 14 and her uncles, Kol and Elijah, took her to visit New York at her request. She insisted on going to several different and very specific locations after having vivid dreams about good people dying or being deeply emotionally scarred by things that happened in them, by now knowing her dreams weren't just dreams after a few too many of the less lethal ones started becoming reality.

She met Skip first, when she went to see him when he woke up after being healed from his wounds via her blood. She might have just prevented the kidnapping and shooting altogether and let her uncles slaughter the kidnappers (she wasn't allowed to kill people herself until she was 16, with out her fathers explicit approval), but certain things needed to happen the way they happened in her dreams up until a certain point, or else there could be a risk of everything going all butterfly effect on them. Things needed to play out a certain way or she might end up making everything worse, which unfortunately meant letting most of the bad guys live for the time being.

Before Skip had been taken, she had one of her father's hybrids go to the underground bar the raid was happening at and slip enough of her blood into his coke that he would be healed. She then proceeded to have his 'corpse' removed from the morgue and replaced with a corpse doll her father had someone make, as well as compel the doctors to believe they had already done an autopsy and that nothing had changed.

Meanwhile, her uncle Kol dealt with Skips would be murderer. Uncle Elijah had to compel the NYPD and the whole neighborhood into forgetting the tortured screams from the apartment and make them think the only sounds coming from there were gunshots. When the PD framed Ash for the bastards murder, they were really grasping at straws because no human should be able to rip a mans heart out with his bear hands and then proceed to contort the body in ways no one should be capable of with or without a weapon.

She had Skip brought to the penthouse her family was staying at, and proceeded to answer all his questions when he woke up a few hours later about what had happened and the supernatural, with Cassandra performing the dancing feather spell as proof of its existence.

After she saved Skip (and proceeded to convince him to pretend to be dead for a little while longer, due to the earlier argument of not wanting to make things worse by accident), she then moved on to assisting Ash in avoiding assault a little bit before she dealt with Griffin.

Every time she dreamed Ash was in what most would describe as a 'bad situation' (Read: about to be sexually assaulted), she would jump in when the event was about to pass and kick the asses of everyone involved in the form of a jade green Chinese dragon and/or compel the aggressors to forget about what had happened and compel away their urges to ever do something like that again. Whenever this happened, Ash only ever caught a glimpse of the creature. The first time this happened was in prison, when he was going to let those men assault him so he could get sent to the medical ward. He was then saved by the dragon, who knocked all the guys out by flicking its tail at their heads, but not before compelling them to pretend like nothing happened and then left him with all the supplies he needed to send his message. This greatly confused and more than mildly upset Ash, not that he wasn't grateful for the help, but it was difficult for his already stressed mind to comprehend what was going on and just what the hell!? Where has this dragon been all his life and why is it just showing its face now, and more importantly, how does the damn thing even exist?!

This would later make him more accepting to the whole 'magic is real' thing, but it left him greatly confused and wondering for his sanity most of the time before he was turned.

Griffin had been involved in a shoot out as well, with this one being led by one of the guys from the first one (Artie? Armen? It was an Ar- something, all she remembered of the guy was his stupid hair cut, which is saying something about how forgettable he was given fact she has a edict memory.) He had been mortally wounded and if he was to live, would have to become a vampire. She couldn't ask permission, since the banana fish drug left him brain dead. So she just compelled Doctor Meredith to replace Griffin's fluid IV with a bag of her blood and to think that her being there was normal, and like that he was turned.

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