One Good Woman

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When Eiji got back to the kitchen, he poured himself a cup of black coffee, and sat down at the circular table with a thousand yard stare. Ash, who was sitting beside him, looked at him in concern.

"You okay, Eiji?", he asked, taking a sip of his own coffee. Eiji stared into his cup.

"No, I am not okay. I cannot unsee what I have seen and no amount of therapy will ever make it okay. ", he said in a dead sort of voice. Ash was staring at him in surprise and was starting to get genuinely concerned for his wellbeing when Cassandra walked in and leaned against the doorway, looking surprisingly winded and disheveled in her black uniform pants and white button up.

"Sorry I'm late guys, I was... busy doing stuff.", she apologized, taking a suspicious amount of time to explain where she was. Everyone in the kitchen looked at her in suspicion, and then Yue walked in looking smug, which was never a good thing.

"I was 'stuff'.", he elaborated, pointing to the distinctly uncovered hickies on his neck that his own beige sweater did nothing to hide. Cassandra looked like she had been caught with her hand in the cookie jar, and everyone except for Eiji groaned.

"Oh God, we did not need to know that.", Shorter complained. Ash nodded.

"Yeah, you know the rules, keep your sex life to yourself! Eiji, is that why you walked in here looking like you were having a vietnam war flashback?", Ash asked, suddenly very sympathetic to his platonic soulmate. Eiji nodded and sipped his coffee, not even looking up.

"They weren't doing it when I walked in, but they were still naked. I could have lived my entire immortal life not knowing what you two were doing last night, guys.", the usually happy young vampire said in an annoyed tone. Yue looked ready to bite his head off.

"Little ears!", Griffin hissed from his place standing beside Skip and Grim on Skip's shoulder near the counter as he covered the boy's ears. Skip removed his hands and looked up at him with a frown.

"You do realize I spent most of my life in a New York gang up until just recently, right? I'm also an adopted Mikaelson. I know things, Griffin. So does Grim. There's no need to do all this.", the boy said bluntly. Griffin slumped and sighed in resignation.

"Yeah well, Cassandra will have my ass if I don't do my job and 'protect' you two, so... ", the ex-soldier said tiredly. Skip and Grim's eyes widened in understanding.

"That explains it.", Grim responded with a nod. Yue looked ready to jump Eiji, when Cassandra placed a hand on his shoulder with a calming smile.

"It's not all his fault. We really should have locked the door.", the redhead defended. Yue gave her a dry look, before huffing and going to fix himself breakfast. Cassandra's smile widened and she sat down in her usual seat, her smile falling when she noticed someone's absence.

"Wait, where's Che'nya? Isn't he supposed to be here?", Cassandra asked. Ash gave her a deadpanned look and pointed to the top of the fridge. Cassandra looked up in obvious bafflement.

"We showed him the 'get on top of the fridge' meme and he thought it would be funny to eat his breakfast up there. He hasn't come down since.", Ash explained. Cassandra laughed as Che'nya, who was sitting on the chrome fridge, a plate of bacon and eggs in his lap. He kicked his feet like a child and waved down at her with a wide grin. Cassandra stopped laughing and raised an eyebrow at him.

"Enjoying the view?", she asked jokingly. Che'nya nodded.

"Oh yeah. I can see Griffin's sanity from here! Oh wait, you can't see something that was never there.", the cat boy said sarcastically. Everyone looked at Griffin, who only shrugged.

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