Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus Draco

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Shortly after that, Eiji woke up and completed transition. He was a bit disoriented at first, but he quickly got the hang of vampirism. Cassandra was pleasantly surprised to find Eiji didn't have much of a problem drinking blood so long as it came from a blood bag or a willing source. She compelled Ibe and Max into believing that he had chosen to stay in the states and was safe, something he wasn't too happy about at first until she told him that when this was all over he could tell them everything.

During this conversation, before she was able to inform him of when he could tell others of his 'condition' was when she felt the urge to kiss him senseless, and she did exactly that.

Eiji was still in bed during all of this, so getting to him was a simple matter of crawling up to him from the foot of the bed. Something he didn't notice because he was still ranting and getting his phone charger from the night stand.

"- just because I'm a vampire now, doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to cut off contact with everyone in my life who isn't or won't be like us, Cassandra! I understand the need to keep people like us a secret, but this sort restriction, it's-"

He was cut off when he turned back around and saw that Cassandra's face was a hair's breadth away from his own.

She looked at him with half-lidded eyes, "I love you, but all that talking is starting to give me a headache. Let's put that pretty mouth of yours to better use, shall we?"

Eiji blushed and was about to ask her what she meant by both the 'I love you' and the part about his mouth, but never got the chance as she began to kiss him soon after.

She went slow at first, and gave him the chance to back out despite the fact that every bone in her body was screaming 'MINE' at the top of it's lungs. When he didn't back down after two minutes, she made things more intense. She started lapping at his mouth, requesting entrance. When he allowed this, she held nothing back. The feeling of Cassandra's tongue dancing with his made him make sounds he didn't know he was capable of making, which only seemed to rile her up more.

Eventually she took his wrists into one of her hands and pinned them to the head board, tying them with his phone charger. She then moved from his mouth to his neck, peppering kisses and leaving hickies.

"So pretty," she whispered against his skin and bit down as he moaned, much to his embarrassment.

"I-ahh" he cried out, tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. It just felt so good, he couldn't help it.

She looked up and saw his distraught state, "Aw, poor baby, I'm sorry if I got you all riled up. But you just kept moving that pretty little mouth of yours. What did you expect me to do when you kept flaunting yourself?"

He frowned, "I-I wasn't- oh kami-sama!

Cassandra had bit down hard enough to draw blood and was now sucking on the wound, which only made him feel better.

Once she removed herself from the mark, she growled out "Mine" and began to hold his still bound form from behind.

Eiji was confused, Cassandra had just said she loved him and did... things with him that he actually enjoyed, despite the fact she was five years younger and in a relationship with Yut-lung (something he had observed when he made them breakfast the morning of his awakening, kissed her and called her 'darling' in the kitchen). With this thought in mind, he came to a moral conflict. She was five years younger and in a relationship with an enemy turned ally, which should automatically make him rebuff her advances. He was about to tell her about this brilliant train of thought, when Shorter walked in.

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